12th English Elective Non-Fiction 4. Why The Novel Matters - D.H. Lawrence

12th English Elective Non-Fiction 4. Why The Novel Matters - D.H. Lawrence

12th English Elective Non-Fiction 4. Why The Novel Matters - D.H. Lawrence

प्रश्न बैंक - सह - उत्तर पुस्तक (Question Bank-Cum-Answer Book)

Class - 12

English Elective

4. Why The Novel Matters - D.H. Lawrence

Q1. How does the novel reflect the wholeness of a human being?

Ans- According to the writer, the novel is the book of life but books are not so. A novel, like most other literary genres, consists of characters. These characters manifest as real human beings on paper. The author claims that he is not a soul, not a body, a mind, an intelligence, a brain, a nervous system but he is alive and greater than his soul, spirit, body, mind, consciousness or anything. He says that the liveliness of the novel depends entirely upon its characters. The novel exhibits several personality traits of characters. It peeps into deep insight of the characters. In this way the novel reflects the wholeness of the human being.

Q2. Why does the author consider the novel superior to philosophy, science or even poetry?

Ans- The author considers the novel superior to other genres like philosophy, science or even poetry. He is of the opinion that all the books are not so lively as a novel. The novel, like a tree, grows in all the dimensions, not in a particular direction. A novel induces a kind of liveliness in the readers which makes the entire man alive. In his opinion, the Bible, Shakespeare and Homer all are great novels. Philosophy reflects different types of thoughts, science considers all parts of the body as dead while poetry is known for imagination. But on the contrary, the novel induces life in the readers. Thus, a novel is considered superior to philosophy, science or even poetry.

Q3. What does the author mean by tremulations on ether' and the novel as a tremulation'?

Ans- The author means to say that 'tremulation on ether' induces a kind of life in readers which the other books can't do. Other books do not stimulate the readers so they seem similar to reading messages or hearing news over the radio. Thus, the words, thoughts, sighs and aspirations of a philosopher are the 'tremulations in the ether. They are not alive, but if a person accepts them in his life, they become alive. Whereas 'the novel as a tremulation' is a multi-dimensional review of the characters of the novel. Through the deeds of the characters a reader can understand what needs to be done and what needs to be avoided in life. It actually gives the reader an insight into the crucial moments of life without actually having to experience them. In that way, a person can mould his or his decisions and grow well. The novel as a tremulation makes the readers tremble with life and the wisdom of life with its wholeness. Thus, the novel is a life inducing agent of the writer's thought process which has considerable effects on the readers.

Q4. What are the arguments presented in the essay against the denial of the body by spiritual thinkers?

Ans- Lawrence is of the opinion that our body is not merely a vessel for containing the soul and that soul is the only living entity. He says that our hand itself is alive. It hops from word to word to write something like a grasshopper. It is as much active ones alive as the mind which dictates the words to be written. In the same way, a person talks about the importance of souls in Heaven. But according to Lawrence "paradise is in the palm of your hand." A philosopher talks about infinity and the pure spirit who knows everything. Hence, the body is alive, perhaps more alive than any other entity and denying it is an erroneous decision by spiritual thinkers or priests.

Q5. What are the things that mark animate things from the inanimate?

Ans- The author says that all the things that are within our body are alive including brain, soul, skin and hair. He says that animate things have flicker in them but the inanimate things do not. Animate things make a whole body with many parts but inanimate things do not have this quality. Animate things have their complete existence and they do activities during their entire life but the inanimate things do not have these qualities. No doubt, inanimate things like words, thoughts, signs and aspirations are helpful and supportive to our life but they are not alive.

Q6. What is the simple truth that eludes the philosopher or the scientist?

Ans- According to the author, novels are the real thing in life. Neither a philosopher nor a scientist sees life as a whole. The philosopher talks about Paradise and his thoughts matter. He considers thought to be life. A scientist takes each body part as a living being and considers the man as dead. He considers each body part equally important, not the whole. In this way, both of them fail to see the truth that life is a whole and no part of life can be able to define life completely.

Q7. How does Lawrence reconcile inconsistency of behaviour with integrity?

Ans- According to the writer, nothing is absolute in this world. Change continuous every time in everything. Lawrence is aware of the changes in human behaviour. He says that love for change is a natural instinct. A thing that is important today may not be so tomorrow. Even in a novel if the characters do not change, the novel becomes a dead thing. But even in the change, one maintains a certain integrity. The behaviour changes with the passage of time but that change occurs with a certain design that depends on the will of the human being.

Q8. What is the perception of the author of 'Being Alive?

Ans- The entire text is based on highlighting the perception of being alive'. The author appreciates every part and parcel of a living person. He gives excessive importance to ideas, philosophy, spirit and mind. The author strongly advocates that a novelist is better than a man of science, religion or a philosopher. It is so because a novelist can create characters and their lives and thus, understand the true value of life and a living person. He believes that the mind is more important than other body parts. He thinks the belief to be ridiculous and irrational that the body is a mere vessel for the mind or soul. He thinks that the freckles on the skin and the blood in the human body are equally alive.

Q 9. How does the author compare the novelist and the philosopher?

Ans- Lawrence is an eminent novelist. He profoundly compares the novelist and the philosopher. According to him, the philosopher talks about spirit and infinite knowledge contained in it but for a novelist, it is the living that contains all the understandable knowledge. Everything else is conjecture and speculation.

For a philosopher, thoughts and ideas are of paramount importance while for a novelist, they are disturbances and 'tremulations on the ether'. The author firmly declares that no idea is meaningful until or unless it is received and understood by a live person because it does not have its own life. In this way the author claims that the live man is much more important than ideas and concepts which themselves seem to be lifeless.

Q 10. What is the importance of a novel according to the writer?

Ans- According to the writer, a novel is a window of life but any novel or book is important when it is read by human beings. He claims that novels are more influential than any other book. He considers Ten Commandments less significant than novels because they only attract one part of a living being. He even calls the Bible to be a great novel.

Lawrence opines that a novel is able to provide a stimulating story with different characters that make at novel more dynamic. The author believes that a man needs desire and purpose to be alive. If a man exists in the world without a goal in life, he seems to be a dead man. To prove that a human being does not exist in a dead life but a life alive, he needs love, companionship, wealth and power.

Q 11. What does the writer say about the characters?

Ans- According to the writer in the novel, the characters do nothing but live. They have to live but not according to any pattern, good or bad or volatile. The reason is that once they shape themselves into a pattern, they cease to live and the novel falls dead. The exact meaning of living is like the meaning of being.

People seek God, or money, or wine, or woman, or song, or water or political reforms or votes. There is none in life who can predict one's choices. The choice changes with the passage of time. It is as sudden and swift changing as rain in summer and nobody can predict when it will start raining. In this great confusion, disorder and unpredictability we need a guide. Thus, the characters play a vital role in the novel as living beings.

Q12 How is the novel the best guide for us?

Ans- According to the writer, the novel is the best guide which helps us to live. It does not let us indulge ourselves unnecessarily by the theory of right and wrong, good or bad which are always there. It is also a true fact that right and wrong are not constant but relative. It happens so because what is right in one case becomes wrong in another.

A novel presents a story in which a man dies because of his goodness while another person dies because of his wickedness. The existence of anything whether it is body or mind or spirit separately does not make life but the wholeness of man and woman alive constitutes like. It is only novel which is the one bright book of life and surpasses all other books such as poetry, science and philosophy.

Q 13. How does the writer compare the novelist and the man of religion?

Ans- According to the writer, only a novelist is a man who understands the importance of the man alive profoundly. A man of religion can never do so. The man of theology or a man of religion depends on the theory of soul and life after death. But the novelist is the person who thinks only about the present moment and life at present. He seems to be more realistic than others.

Q 14. Why does the author refer to hair, skin, bottle and jug etc.?

Ans- The author argues that every bit of our body as the hand or the hair or the skin is alive. He refers to 'whatever is me alive is me.' He says that everything can't be compared. We are completely wrong in comparing any part of our body with a bottle or a jug or a tin cane or a vessel of clay. Every a tiny part of our body is full of life as the whole body but a bottle or a jug is lifeless.

Q 15. How does the writer prove that life exists during our lifetime?

Ans- When one is a novelist, he knows that every bit of our body is alive. But this idea is liable to become unknown to us if we are a philosopher or a scientist or a stupid person. A person speaks about souls in Heaven, but a novelist talks about paradise in the palm of our hand or at the end of our nose because he feels the existence of life during his lifetime.

Q 16. What does the author say about his being a novelist?

Ans- The author says that he is not simply a soul or a body or a mind, or intelligence, or glands. He is the sum total of all these and greater than all these. He, as a man alive, is a novelist. So as a novelist, he is greater than and superior to the scientist, the philosopher and the poet. Since they deal with only a part of man's body whereas as the novelist he deals with the whole body.

Q 17. How does a man change, according to the writer?

Ans- According to the author, man constantly undergoes changes and a man today is not exactly what he was yesterday and he will also be entirely different tomorrow. Even the woman loved by a man constantly undergoes changes and he continues to love her because of the change. He says that all things change but even change is not absolute. Change also changes according to the time.

Q 18. How does the author differentiate between alive and dead man?

Ans- The author tells us that in a novel what a man alive does and when a man becomes a dead man in life. For instance, it tells us how an alive man loves a woman and how a dead man in life courts her; how an alive man eats his dinner and how a dead man in life munches it and how an alive man shoots his enemy, my and how a dead man in life throws bombs mercilessly at men.

Q 19 What do you think of "tremulations on the ether"?

Ans- Lawrence says that for the philosophers, nothing but thoughts are important. Lawrence calls these thoughts to be “tremulations on the ether.” Because the author thinks that these tremulations are not alive. They are like radio signals which float in the air. But these signals are useless until they reach the receiver. Similarly when thoughts are received by a man alive they become meaningful.

Q 20. How is novel more effective than other genres of literature?

Ans- According to the writer, the novel has the capacity to influence a man more effectively than other genres of literature. He gives an example of Plato who makes the ideal being in a man tremble in him. ‘Ten Commandments’ affect only a part of a man alive but a novel is capable of shaking the whole man alive. He considers the Bible, Shakespeare and Homer to be great novels.


1. Who has written the essay 'Why The Novel Matters?

a. Viginia Woolf

b. D. H. Lawrence

c. Umberto Eco

d. Amartya Sen

2. In the Essay 'D. H. Lawrence talks of the significance of the ………. as a literary form.

a. Novel

b. Poem

c. Sonnet

d. Drama

3. What funny sort of superstition do we have of ourselves?

a. A body with a brain

b. A body with limbs

c. A body with a soul in it

d. A body with beauty

4. What does the wine bottle denote ?

a. Body

b. Eyes

c. Brain

d. Soul

5. According to Lawrence, ……… is better than the parson, scientist, philosopher etc.

a. Doctor

b. Teacher

c. Poet

d. Novelist

6. A parson talks about …….. in heaven and afterlife.

a. Souls

b. Gods

c. Angels

d. Demons

7. What does a philosopher talk about?

a. Infinity

b. Souls

c. Heaven

d. Life after death

8. A novelist knows that paradise is in the palm of his hand and on the end of his ……..

a. Eyes

b. Ears

c. Toes

d. Nose

9. What are 'tremulations in ether'?

a. Words and thoughts

b. Signs and aspirations

c. Messages and teachings

d. All of these

10. According to the author, a 'tremulation upon the ether' is like a …….

a. Letter

b. Radio message

c. Green leaf

d. Angel-cake

11. Lawrence says that it is nonsense to say that …….. is more important than the living body.

a. Book

b. Thought

c. Spirit

d. All of these

12. What are amazing according to the author?

a. All things that are dead

b. All things that are alive

c. Life after death

d. Souls

13. What are subsidiary to the living?

a. All things that are dead

b. All things that are alive

c. Paradise

d. Thoughts

14. To whom 'man alive' is of no use?

a. Teacher

b. Philosopher

c. Parson

d. Scientist

15. A scientist gives importance to ……..

a. Thoughts

b. Objects

c. Aspirations

d. None of these

16. Who sees life as the wholeness of a human being?

a. Poet

b. Philosopher

c. Scientist

d. Novelist

17. What is superior to science, philosophy or poetry?

a. Character

b. Film

c. Novel

d. Thought

18. What teaches us what is right or what is wrong?

a. Book

b. Novel

c. Drama

d. Poem

19. The ….. is the one bright book of life.

a. Poem

b. Book

c. Novel

d. None of these

20. The ……… too is a novel but a great confused novel.

a. Ballad

b. Bible

c. Science

d. Poem

21. What is the best guide to man and woman which helps us to live without getting disturbed?

a. Philosophy

b. Poetry

c. Film

d. Novel

22. Lawrence considers that …….. is the true nature of life and is necessary for life to go on.

a. Change

b. Constant

c. Absolute

d. All of these

23. A ……. deals with characters alive or life-like, they are always changing to sustain the interest of readers.

a. Philosophy

b. Novel

c. Poem

d. Science

24. What stimulates the readers while reading a novel?

a. Story

b. Plot

c. Language

d. Characters

25. Which of the following is written by D. H. Lawrence?

a. Freedom

b. The Mark on The Wall

c. Why The Novel Matters

d. On Science Fiction

JCERT/JAC English Elective प्रश्न बैंक - सह - उत्तर पुस्तक (Question Bank-Cum-Answer Book)

English Elective Contents

Short Stories


I Sell my Dreams - Gabriel Garcia Marquez


Eveline - James Joyce


A Wedding In Brownsville - Issac Bashevis Singer


Tomorrow - Joseph Conrad


One Centimetre - Bi Shu-Min



A Lecture Upon The Shadow - John Donne


Poems by Milton - John Milton


Poems By Blake - William Blake


Kubla Khan Or A Vision In A Dream - S.T. Coleridge


Trees - Emily Dickinson


The Wild Swans at Coole - W.B. Yeats


Time And Time Again - A.K. Ramanujan


Blood - Kamala Das



Freedom - G.B. Shaw


The Mark On The Wall - Virginia Woolf


Film-Making - Ingmar Bergman


Why The Novel Matters - D.H. Lawrence


The Argumentative Indian - Amartya Sen


On Science Fiction - Isaac Asimov



Chandalika - Rabindra Nath Tagore


Broken Images - Girish Karnad



A Tiger For Malgudi - R.K. Narayan


The Financial Expert - R.K. Narayan

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