JAC Class 11th English (Elective) Model 2023-24

JAC Class 11th English (Elective) Model 2023-24

JAC Class 11th English (Elective) Model 2023-24





Time: 1 hrs Marks-40


Total number of questions is 40.

Each question carries 1 mark.

Four options are given.

Students are expected to select the most appropriate answer.

All the questions are compulsory.

No marks will be deducted for wrong answer.


Read the passage given below and answer the questions from 1-5.

Nobody comes to Novastoshnah except on business, and the only people who have regular business there are the seals. They come in the summer months by hundreds and hundreds of thousands out of the cold grey sea, for Novastoshnah Beach has the finest accommodation for seals of any place in the world.

Sea Catch knew that, and every spring would swim from whatever place he happened to be in-would swim like a torpedo boat straight for Novastoshnah, and spend a month fighting with his companions for a good place on the rocks as close to the sea as possible. Sea Catch was fifteen years old, a huge grey fur- seal with almost a mane on his shoulders, and long. wicked dog teeth. He was scarred all over with the marks of savage fights, but he was always ready for just one to fight more. JCERT

Yet Sea Catch never chased a beaten seal, for that was against the Rules of the Beach. He only wanted room by the sea for his nursery; but as there were forty or fifty thousand other seals hunting for the same thing each spring, the whistling, bellowing, roaring, and blowing on the beach were something frightful.

From a little hill called Hutchinson's Hill, you could look over three and a half miles of ground covered with fighting seals; the surf was dotted all over with the heads of seals hurrying to land and begin their share of the fighting. They fought in the breakers, they fought in the sand, and they fought on the smooth-worn basalt rocks of the nurseries; for they were just as stupid and unaccommodating as men.

1. Why do seals come to Novastoshnah?

a. To mate

b. To rest

c. To find the best accommodation for seals

d. To hunt for food

2.How does Sea Catch reach Novastoshnah every spring?

a.He walks on land

b. He takes a boat

c. He swims like a torpedo boat

d. He flies

3.What is Sea Catch's physical appearance like?

a. Small and weak

b. Large and grey with a mane and long teeth

c. Black and sleek

d. White and fluffy

4.How does Sea Catch behave towards defeated seals?

a. He chases them away

b. He leaves them alone

c. He kills them

d. He fights them more

5. How do the seals behave towards each other on Novastoshnah Beach?

a. They live in harmony

b. They are peaceful and accommodating

c. They are aggressive and unaccommodating

d. They are shy and hide.

Read the following poem carefully and answer question nos. 6-8.

Weavers, weaving at break of day.

Why do you weave a garment so gay?

Blue as the wing of a bluebird wild,

We weave the robes of a new-born child.

Weavers, weaving at fall of night,

Why do you weave a garment so bright?

Like the plumes of a peacock, purple and green.

We weave the marriage-veils of a queen.

Weavers, weaving solemn and still,

What do you weave in the moonlight chill?

White as a feather and white as a cloud,

We weave a dead man's funeral shroud.

6. What do the weavers weave in the chilly moonlight?

a. a garment light as a feather

b. a garment meant to cover a dead man

c. a garment to keep away the chill

d. a garment to wrap a newborn child in

7. The three stages of life mentioned in the poem are ----

a. infancy, childhood and senility

b. infancy, youth and death

c. infancy, adolescence, middle age

d. childhood, adulthood and senility

8. Whom does the poet address in the poem?

a. weavers

b. children

c. queens

d. all the above

9. How should an article be ended?

a. thanking the audience

b. greeting the audience

c. with a suitable conclusion

d. all of the above

10. What should be the title of the article writing?

a. eye-catchy

b. explain the topic in a few words

c. should be short and relevant

d. all of the above

11. The story "The Rocking-horse Winner" starts with----

a. Paul

b. a beautiful woman.

c. Oscar

d. Bassett

12. Who is Sherlock Holmes?

a. teacher

b. doctor

c. detective

d. lawyer

13. The poem, "Mother Tongue" is written by

a. John Keats

b. William Wordsworth

c. William Blake

d. Padma Sachdev

14. The word 'Price" in the poem, "Telephone Conversation" refers to:

a. rent of the house

b. rent of the car

c. cost of the shoes

d. cost of the bag

15. Where did Pappachi and Mammachi live?

a. Ayemenen

b. Munnar

c. Central Square

d. Seemapuri

16. In a lecture S. Chandrasekhar discusses different approaches of scientists and------

a. poets

b. engineers

c. doctors

d. holy men

17. The author of "My Watch" visited more than ---- watchmakers.

a. twelve

b. fifteen

c. eleven

d. ten.

18. The author's watch was showing November in the month of-----

a. September

b. December

c. October

d. May

19. Bertrand Russell wants to get rebirth with special skills and----

a. power

b. magic

c. wealth

d. peace

20. The author's three passions are compared with great----

a. mountains

b. water

c. winds

d. fire

21. Where can the roots of India's tradition be traced?

a. To the rich oral literature of the tribes.

b. To the rich written literature of the tribes.

c. Both (a) and (b).

d. None of the above

22. The play 'Arms and the Man' ends in a flurry of------

a. gunfire

b. engagements

c. divorce

d. thefts

23. What did Barin die of?

a. high fever

b. accident

c. drowning

d. starving

24. Which of the following is a character of the story, "A Pair of Mustachios"?

a. Seth Ramanand

b. Choudhary Chotu Ram

c. Iona

d. Both(a) and (b)

25. Where does 'his loud sharp call' seem to come from in "The Peacock"?

a. His loud sharp call seems to come from everywhere.

b. His loud sharp call seems to come from nowhere.

c. His loud sharp call seems to come from the peepal tree.

d. His loud sharp call seems to come from the house.

26. What is the theme of the poem, "Let Me Not to the Marriage of True Minds"?

a. friendship

b. true love

c. nature

d. knighthood

27. Whose childhood has been referred to in the poem, "Coming"?

a. poet's childhood

b. reader's childhood

c. childhood of poet's father

d. none of the above

28. How many children did the beautiful woman have? (The Rocking-horse Winner)

a. one

b. two

c. three

d. four

29. What type of writing is "The Adventure of the Three Garridebs"?

a. a script

b. a novel

c. a short story

d. a poem

30. Who is 'she" in the poem, "Mother Tongue"?

a. shah

b. poet

c. stem

d. poet's mother tongue

31. In "The World is too Much With Us" the phrase 'out of time" refers to:

a. no sense to enjoy the nature

b. out of music

c. song without tune

d. none of these

32. The word 'tar" in "Telephone Conversation" symbolizes ------ society

a. South African

b. Indian

c. French

d. German

33. The author of "Patterns of Creativity" is a noted:

a. astrophysicist

b. chemist

c. doctor

d. painter

34. The author's watch was running ------hours ahead

a. three hours

b. four hours

c. six hours

d. one hour

35. At first the author gave his watch to a ----- to get it repeated.

a. jeweller

b. mechanic

c. technician

d. all of the above

36. Bertrand Russell has written numerous popular works on:

a. philosophy

b. politics

c. education

d. all of the above

37. The third passion of the author is to remove:

a. pain and suffering

b. the king

c. debt

d. debris

38. What does the Petkoff family brag about?

a. their crest

b. their basement

c. their horses

d. their library

39. Santiago fishes with the boy called -----

a. Manolin

b. Samuel

c. Thomas

d. Jerry

40. When the novel opens, how long has it been since Santiago last caught a fish?

a. 40 days

b. 84 days

c. 87 days

d. 120 days

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