Class 11th English Elective PROJECT RAIL (JCERT) Weekly Test Answer Key 14.12.23

Class 11th English Elective PROJECT RAIL (JCERT) Weekly Test Answer Key 14.12.23

Class 11th English Elective PROJECT RAIL (JCERT) Weekly Test Answer Key 14.12.23

Jharkhand Council of Educational Research And Training, Ranchi




TIME- 90 min.


General Instructions: -

1. All questions are compulsory

2. The total no of question is 16

3. 2 marks are given for objective question, 2 marks for short answer question, 3 marks for short answer question and 5 marks for long answer question.

4. There is no negative marking for any wrong answer.

5. Objective question 1 to 10 has four options, choose the correct options (a, b, c, d) and write down in the answers sheet.

6. Write the answers to very short answer questions 11 to 12; short answer questions 13 to 14 and long answer questions 15 to 16 in your answer sheet.

7. No students shall be allowed to leave the examination before the completion of the exam.

SECTION-A (2×10= 20)

Objective Questions

1. Who wrote the story "Pappachi's Moth"?

(a) D.H. Lawrence

(b) Mulk Raj Anand

(c) Arundhati Roy

(d) Anton Chekov

2. Where is the 'hawk' sitting?

(a) On the roof of a house

(b) High on a tree in the woods

(c) In the cage

(d) In the Verandah

3. "Mother Tongue" is composed by ……….

(a) Padma Sachdev

(b) Ted Hughes

(c) William Wordsworth

(d) William Shakespeare

4. What does the 'Quill" represent in "Mother Tongue"?

(a) History book

(b) A new script

(c) Dialogue

(d) None of these

5. How many types of "Essays" are there?

(a) Three

(b) Six

(c) Eight

(d) Four

6. What does the poet snow us about the natural world in "Hawk Roosting"?

(a) Nature's beaty

(b) Violent Characteristics of the hawk

(c) There is a dark side to the natural world

(c) None of these

7. Who has been personified as "Shahani" in the poem "Mother Tongue"?

(a) The poet's Mother tongue "Tamil"

(b) The poet's Mother tongue "Dogri"

(c) The poet's Mother tongue "Hindi"

(d) The poet's mother tongue "Santhali"

8. What is the most appropriate time to read the newspaper?

(a) At breakfast

(b) At noon

(c) At dinner

(d) In the evening

9. What does Pappachi's moth symbolise?

(a) Nature's beauty

(b) confidence and happiness

(c) Fear and unhappiness

(d) None of these

10. "What is a Good Book?" - an essay is written by

(a) John Keats

(b) Arun Kelatkar

(c) Mark Twain

(d) John Ruskin

SECTION-B (2 x2= 4)

(Very short answer type question)

11. What is the main theme of the poem "Mother Tongue"?

Ans. The main theme of the poem "Mother Tongue" is human expression through sound patterns that assume the form of language in social living

12. What was 'Pappachi's Moth' responsible for?

Ans. Pappachi's Moth was responsible for his depressed moods and erratic behaviour. He and his children were both tortured by it.

SECTION-C (2 × 3 = 6)

(Short answer type question)

13. Why is a book written?

Ans. A book is written to preserve the author's voices. Some people believe that the sole aim of producing a book is to increase and spread one's voice. The author has something to say that he wants to be genuine and useful or beautiful and useful.

14. How does the Hawk mock the God, his creator?

Ans. The hawk claims that the creator put a lot effort into constructing him, his feathers and his physique He feels as if he is holding the God in his grasp now that he is sitting on the top of the tree and clutching the tree limb in his foot. He makes fun of his creator by saying that he is extremely strong. He has nature of his mercy.

SECTION-D (2 x5=10)

(Long answer type question)

15. Why did not Pappachi help his wife? Was he jealous of her and why?

Ans. Pappachi was seventeen years older than his wife Mammachi and he realised, to his surprise, that he was old while his wife was still young. Pappachi refused to assist her with the picking because he did not believe it is a fitting profession for a high-ranking ex. Government Official

He was envious of the sudden attention that his wife was receiving from everyone. He sat about the compound, watching Mammachi Supervise the purchasing, Weighing, Salting and drying of limes and tender mangoes.

16. Write an essay on "Pollution" in about 150 words.



Pollution is the addition of unwanted substances into the environment that can damage our environment. There are four main types of pollution - Water pollution, air pollution, soil pollution and noise pollution. All kinds of pollution are a result of careless activities by man. We dumb waste directly into water bodies, which results in water pollution. Air pollution is caused when vehicles release smoke into the atmosphere and make it difficult to breathe for all organisms. Soil pollution is caused by directly dumping our waste into landfills. Noise pollution is not visible, but it is a dangerous form of pollution that can damage our ears. We can reduce environmental pollution by planting more trees, reuse and recycling wastages, creations awareness among public etc.

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