3 hrs Marks-80
Candidates should answer in their own words as much as possible.
All questions are compulsory.
Total number of questions is 52.
Question No. 01 to 30 are multiple choice questions, each question has four
options. Select the correct option. Each question carries 01mark.
Question numbers 31 to 38 are very short answer questions. Out of which it is
mandatory to answer any 6 questions. Each question carries 02 marks.
Question numbers 39 to 46 are short answer questions. Out of which it is
mandatory to answer any 6 questions. Each question carries 03marks.
Question numbers 47 to 52 are long answer questions. It is mandatory to answer
any 4 questions. Each question carries 05marks.
1. Where is the salutation placed in a notice?
Just above the date
Just below the date
Along with the date
d. There is no need to write salutation in a notice
2. Notices in schools and colleges contain certain announcement
c. Students
3. Letters to the Editor are written for -
a. Newspaper
4. What is the setting of "The Last Lesson'?
a. The Franco-Prussian War
The Indo-China War
The Indo-Pak War
None of these
5. Which country did Franz belong to?
c. France
6. 'Is your school Ready?' who asked this question?
Saheb's mother
Saheb's friend
d. Saheb
7. The ragpickers have no identity, but they have -
c. Ration cards
Pan cards
8. 'Deep Water' is an excerpt taken from-
The Life of Mahatma Gandhi
b. Of Men and Mountains
Lost Spring, Stories from Stolen Childhood
My Years with Boss
9. Why did Douglas hire an instructor?
To participate in swimming competition
To cross the English Channel
To flaunt
d. To overcome his fear of water and to learn swimming
10. What did the old man offer to rattrap peddler?
d. Both (a) and (c)
11. What amount of money was stolen from crofter's pouch?
30 dollars
b. 30 kronors
30 rupees
40 dollars
12. Where was the annual convention of the Indian National
Congress Party held?
a. Lucknow
13. Pancake was the brand name of the-
Cookies and cakes
c. Make-up material
Bags and baggage
14. Who was the Boss of Gemini Studios?
Kothamangalam Subbu
Krishna Sastry
Stephen Spender
d. Mr. Vasan
15. Danny Casey was a player in the football team of-
a. Ireland
16. Sophie was a young girl who dreamt to be :
A Manager
An Actress
A Fashion designer
d. All of the above
Read the given extract and answer the question.
from my parent's
to Cochin last Friday
I saw my mother,
open mouthed, her face ashen like that
a corpse and realised with pain
17. The given extract is taken from the poem-
Keeping Quiet
b. My Mother at Sixty-six
A Thing of Beauty
A Roadside Stand
18. Where was the poet driving to?
Parent's home
b. Cochin airport
Cochin market
Cinema hall
19. Who was sitting beside the poet?
Her daughter
b. Her mother
Her sister
Her friend
20. What type of wars does the poet talk about in the poem,
Keeping Quiet?
Green wars
Wars with gas
Wars with fire
d. All of these
21. Whom did the enchanted youth, Endymion resolve to seek?
a. Cynthia, the moon goddess
His beloved
Cupid, the god of love
22. What are things of beauty mentioned in the poem?
Sun and moon
Young trees and streams
d. All of the above
23. Who was Sam in The Third Level?
A doctor
A friend
c. A psychiatrist and a friend of Charley
None of the above
24. "Let tigers beware!" Who said this?
c. The Prince Jung Jung Bahadur
The dewan
25. For how many years ago did Gondwana exist?
a. 650 million years
500 million years
600 million years
700 million years
26. What is the "Akademik Shokalskiy¹?
An Indian Research vessel
b. A Russian Research vessel
A Chinese Research vessel
An American Research vessel
27. The wounded soldier of the story 'The Enemy' belonged to-
The Russian army
The British army
The Japanese army
d. U.S. Navy
28. What did Mr. Lamb grow in his garden?
d. Apple
29. Why did Bama reach in one hour instead of 10 minutes?
Because she used to stop at every shop
Because she used to watch shows on the road
Because she used to enjoy all fun on the roads
d. All of the above
30. Why did Zitkala not like to cut her hair?
Because she liked long hair
Because she did not like anyone to touch her hair
c. Because her mother had told her that mourners and cowards
keep such hair
None of the above
Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that
sun was warm but the sea breeze kept up its cooling effect all along Soon the
steamer turned away and anchored gear a creek by the river. The muddy fringe
and the mangrove vegetation declared the gateway to the Bhitarkanika Wildlife
Sanctuary in Odisha. The steamer could not negotiate these creeks at low tide,
so a similar motorboat was hired to ferry us to the Dangmal forest rest-house
in the heart of the mangrove forest. From the motorboat we had a good look at a
large crocodile basking in the sun.
boat moved on, taking us deeper into the forest. Here we felt as though we had
stepped into a time warp. In plumage: this awesome and mysterious place, birds
of extraordinary covering a bir phimage appeared before us. For the moment we
revelled in the magnificence of nature which had us completely in its thrall.
Among the birds, the kingfishers were the stars of the show. Crocodiles, large
and small, slid into the water at our approach. Through the foliage we could
see chital deer delicately. browsing on fresh outcrops of leaves.
herd of wild boar was spotted searching for succulent roots. High above us,
open-billed storks stood sentry-like following our progress through their
remarkable kingdom. The evening sun was beginning to paint the tree-lined
horizon crimson and gold and a brooding silence enveloped us all
Answer any six. 2x6=12
31. Where was the author going?
Ans.The author was going to the Bhitarkanika Wildlife Sanctuary in Odisha.
32. Where was the forest rest-house?
Ans. The forest rest-house was in the
Dangmal, heart of the mangrove forest.
33. How did the group manage to get there?
Ans. The group managed to get there with the
help of motorboat.
34. Which creature did they see first?
Ans.They saw
first a bird named bir, then crocodile, kingfisher,
35. Who were the stars of the show?
Ans. Among the birds, the kingfishers were
the stars of the show.
36. What does the author mean by the magnificence of nature?
Ans. According to the author magnificence of
the nature means charming scene of the nature. He praises the defferent types
of creatures that he sees in the Bhitarkanika Wildlife Sanctuary in Odisha.
37. How are the kingfishers and the open-billed storks
Ans. The kingfishers were the stars of the
show. And open-billed storks stood
sentry-like following our progress through
their remarkable kingdom.
38. What were the chital deer and the wild boar doing when the
motorboat went past them?
Ans.The Chital deer was browsing on fresh
outcrops of leaves. And wild boar were
searching for succulent roots.
Answer any six. 6x3=18
Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that
are a number of reasons why we must conserve the world's plants and animals.
Plants are essential for our own survival. Only they can use the sun's energy
to make food. So plants are the vital first link in the food chain of which we
ourselves form part. One of the by-products of the food making process in
plants is oxygen, without which very few forms of life can exist on earth.
need plants in order to survive, but plants also need animals. All animals and
plants are bound together in delicately balanced communities or ecosystems. The
removal of just one species can drastically alter a whole ecosystem.
own survival may be threatened if we cause too much disruption to the natural
processes that occur in this planet. The destruction of the world's rain forest
is causing some concern in this respect. In some areas the removal of the rain
forest has already reduced the local rainfall. Some scientists suggest that if
too much forest is destroyed, the rainfall in crop- growing areas will
decrease, and these areas will become deserts.
important reason for preserving wildlife is that it is a potentially
inexhaustible natural resource. We use many plants and animals to supply us
with food, materials and chemicals. If we exploit these species to the points
at which they cannot replenish themselves, they will no longer be available to
us. At the moment we understand the biology of only a tiny fraction of the
world's wildlife. We do not know what useful materials we will lose in this
39. On the basis of your reading of the above passage make a
note on it. You may use headings, sub-headings, and abbreviations.
1. Reasons for conserving plants
1.1 Essential for our survival
1.2. capable to use solar energy
2. Role in energy production
2.1 first link in the food chain
2.2 gives oxygen
3. Need for wildlife
3.1 Animals and plants are found together
3.2 Removing of one imbalances the
4. Effect of destruction of wildlife
4.1 Removal of rainforest reduces rainfall
4.2 Big cause of pollution
5. Effect on fields
5.1 Less rainfall
5.2 become desert
6. Uses of wildlife
6.1 supply us food
6.2 provides us daily used materials and
Key to Abbreviations
imp –
important avail –
prod. –
products mater. –
No. –
Number. & –
and Don't –
do not
40. Write a summary of the above passage in about 80 words.
Ans. We need to conserve our wildlife. They use solar energy and essential for our survival plants are the first link in the food chain. Removal of rainforest reduces the rainforest which makes fields desert wild life supply us food items, daily used materials and medicines without wildlife, there is no life.
41. You are Virat/Advika, the head boy/girl of S.S.+2 High
School, Silli. Your school is organising a tour to Netarhat. Write a notice
inviting the students who are willing to go the tour in not more than 50 words.
March, 2024 This
is to inform the students that our school is going to organise a tour to
Netarhat for students of Std. XIIth. Fees is Rs.200. This trip is for 2 days.
So interested students should give their names to their respective class
teacher. For
more information contact undersign. Virat
/Advika Head
boy/ girl |
42. You are David/ Dorothy, the Secretary of Cultural Club of St. Francis School, Khalari. Write a notice for your school notice board inviting students to give their names for a Fancy Dress Competition in not more than 50 words.
DRESS COMPETITION 12th March, 2024 Our
school is organising a “Fancy Dress Competition”. The details are as follows
- DATE: 27th March, 2024 Time:
9 am - 1 pm Eligibility-
Class 10 to 12 Those
who are interested can kindly give their names to their respective class
teachers. The invitation is open for all students of our school. For further
details contact the undersigned. David
/ Dorothy Secretary
of the Cultural Club |
43. You are Tarun/Taruna, write a letter to the Editor of "The Express', Ranchi complaining about the frequent breakdown in the supply of electricity in your village.
175, Kunj Bihar Tola
January 9, 2024
The Editor
The Express, Ranchi
: Frequent power failures at Kunj Bihar Tola
Through the
columns of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to draw the attention
of the Ranchi Electric Supply Authorities to the miserable state of electric
supply in our village. There are frequent power breakdowns. Sometimes power is
not restored for 5 to 7 hours. When
power is available, the voltage fluctuations are in the extreme. This causes
damage to our electrical appliances.Sometimes the voltage is so low that lights
are dim and electrical equipment do not function.
The frequent break-downs cause great
inconvenience. We sweat in heat and shiver in winter. We, the students have to study in candle -
I hope the Ranchi Electric Supply Authority
wakes up and improves the power situation.
Thanking You
Yours truly
Tarun / Taruna
44. The Electoral Literacy Club of you school organised a Voter
Awareness Program in the school campus. Write a report in about 80-100 words
for the school magazine describing the event. Sign as Mukul/Mansi of Zila+2
High School, Ranchi.
Awareness Programme
Mukul, Zila +2 High School, Ranchi
5th January, 2024 The Electoral Literacy Club of our school organised a Voter
Awareness Program in the school campus.
The campaign emphasized on the importance of voting. The youths are backbone of
India. In the development of country the students perform very important role.
Our Principal B.K. Bharti, delivered the lecture on importance of voting and
the process of register name in voter list. He urged the students not to waste
their votes and telling how the public play an important role in elections.
Students participated in various activities including slogan writing, placards
and posters making, Face painting etc to spread the awareness. The students
commented that it is necessary to make the electorates aware of their voting
rights. Students displayed placards with motivational statements to ensure 100
% polling.
45. Write an article on 'Climate Change' or 'Women Empowerment
in about 80-100 words.
change refers to the change in the environmental conditions of the earth. The
climatic change has become a global concern over the last few decades. Besides,
these climatic changes affect life on the earth in various ways. These climatic
changes are having various impacts on the ecosystem and ecology. Due to these
changes, a number of species of plants and animals have gone extinct.
The major reason for climate change is
human. People due to his need and greed has done many activities that not only
harm the environment but himself too. Many plant and animal species go extinct
due to human activity. Human activities that harm the climate include
deforestation, using fossil fuel, industrial waste, a different type of
pollution and many more. All these things damage the climate and ecosystem very
badly. And many species of animals and birds got extinct or on a verge of
extinction due to hunting. These climatic changes have a negative impact on the
environment. The ocean level is rising, glaciers are melting, CO₂
in the air is increasing, forest and wildlife are declining, and water life is
also getting disturbed due to climatic changes.
we do not do anything and things continue to go on like right now then a day in
future will come when humans will become extinct from the surface of the earth.
But instead of neglecting these problems we start acting on then we can save
the earth and our future.
of Women
empowerment is means to empower women by promoting their participation in all
areas and sectors. Women empowerment means to build stronger economies, improve
their quality of life and bring gender equality. According to the provisions of
the constitution of India, it is a legal point to grant equality to women in
the society in all spheres just like male. Women mean one half of humanity. All
talk of national development are hollow without the education of women.
National regeneration is possible only when educated girls take active part in
it. In a male dominated society, women are limited within the four walls of the
house. However, education has given them a new confidence. The scenario is
changing fast. Educated girls and women are contributing to the welfare of
society. The academic world is no more the monopoly of men. Women have proved
to be better doctors, artists, civil-servants, engineers etc. Many state governments have given incentives
to attract girls to go to schools and colleges. Education will help women to be
free from exploitation by the vested interest. This is the demand of the day to
utilise women's skills, talents and intelligence for national development.
Educated girls and women will enhance the standard of living also of our country.
46. What happened to William Douglas at YMCA when he was eleven
years old?
Answer. William Douglas speaks about the
misadventure that he experiences at the Y.M.C.A. swimming pool at the age of eleven years. In
the swimming pool he was trying to practice swimming. He feared to go alone in
deep water. Then came a big bully of a boy.
He was quite muscular. He picked
him up and tossed him into the deep end . He went at once at the bottom and
feared to be drowned. The 'misadventure ' gave Douglas a lot of agony and
trouble. Since then he had aversion to
Answer any four. 4x5-20
47. Why did M. Hamel put on
his special dress?
M. Hamel put on his special dress to highlight the occasion. The lesson
describes France was defeated by Prussia (Germany). German language was imposed
on the French districts of Alsace and Lorraine. M. Hamel was a French teacher.
He had been teaching for forty years in the school. It was his last lesson in
French. He had a great respect to his nation and language.
Therefore, he wore his best dress to pay
respect to French language. He wore his beautiful green coat with a frilled
shirt, a black silk cap.
48. What do the parting words "see you soon Amma" of
the poetess and her smile signify?
Ans. The poetess Kamala Das was very worried
about her old mother. The old familiar ache or fear of the childhood returns.
It provides a stark contrast to the parting words of assurance and her smiles.
The parting words: 'See you soon, Amma' give an assurance of life to an old and
weak lady. The mother's ashen face' look like a corpse. Similarly, her
continuous smiling signifies an attempt to overcome the ache and fear inside
her heart.
49. What did Charley claim for in "The Third Level?
Ans. Charley (narrator) wanders from one
world to the other. Charley worked late at the office. He was in a hurry to get
to his apartment. So he decided to take the sub-way from Grand Central. He
turned into Grand Central and went down the steps to the first level. He ducked
into an arched doorway. And here he got lost. It is quite easy to get lost
here. Sometimes he thinks that Grand Central is growing like a tree. It is
always pushing out new corridors and staircases. Through the years Grand
Central has been an exit a way of escape for many people.
He started slanting downward. He thought he
was wrong but kept on walking. Then he heard a sort of hollow roar. The tunnel
turned sharp left. Then he went down a short flight of stairs. He came out on
the third level at Grand Central Station. It was a different, old and romantic
world. There were fewer ticket windows. They were made of wood and were old
looking. There were open flame gaslights. He saw people wearing beards,
sideburns and fancy moustaches. Then he caught a glimpse of a locomotive, a
very small and old Currier and Ives model. He also saw a 1894 issue of
newspaper "The World'.
50. Why do rural people make roadside stands?
Ans. In the poem "A Roadside
Stand" the he poet, Robert Frost has described the pathetic condition of
the rural people. To earn cash or money they built roadside stand. The rural
people running the roadside stand are poor and deprived. They are not rich in
cash. They looked forward to their prospective customers for earning some
money. So, they ask for city money and make roadside stand so that they too can
lead a life of happiness and prosperity. This much-needed city money can bring
some changes in their lives.
51. In what conditions do the bangle makers of Firozabad live?
Why can't they come out of the state of poverty?
Ans. The bangle makers of Firozabad live in
very poor and miserable conditions. Bangle makers are born in poverty, live in
poverty and die in poverty. For generations, people have been in this trade but
they have not been able to improve their living conditions. They have to work
under inhuman conditions. They have to work under flickering oil lamps. Their
eyes get used to darkness and they lose their eyesight even before they are
adults. In spite of the hard work they get a meagre profit. Their houses have
crumbling walls, wobbly doors and no windows. They are over-crowded with humans
and animals. Bangle markers can not come out of the state of poverty because
they have no money to do anything except bangle making. Actually, they have
fallen into the vicious circle of middleman, moneylender and the police. Even
if they get organized, the police will charge them with illegal activities. The
police will drag them, beat them and there is a possibility of even putting
them in jail.
52. How did Dr Sadao help the American soldier?
Dr. Sadao Hoki was a Japanese whose house was at the coast. He was a
very successful doctor and a renowned scientist. He had specially mastered the art of healing
wounds. One night Dr. Sadao and his good wife Hana were standing outside in the
mist facing the sea. They saw something coming out of the mist. A man seemed to be on his knees,
crawling. They saw him fall on his face
and lie there. They had a close look at
him. He was badly wounded. They turned his face and found that it was a white
man. In fact, he was an enemy soldier from the US Navy. They were in
dilemma. First, they thought of throwing
him back in the sea. Since he was wounded and unconscious, his compassionate
nature couldn't allow them to ignore him.
So they took him inside. Hana herself washed him with warm water as her
maid refused to do so. Dr. Sadao
operated upon the deep wound of the American soldier and pulled the bullet out
from the bleeding wound. He gave him an injection and Hana administered
anaethesia to him. His servants had left
the house in protest. Still, they nursed
and looked after him till he felt fully fit and recovered. After much thought Dr. Sadao decided to send
the soldier to the unguarded island in the sea.
He gave him his boat, clothes, food, water and his flashlight which the
soldier would flash ifhe ran out of food and water. He even instructed him to wait for only the
Korean fishing boat to go away. Finally,
Dr. Sadao felt relieved, rewarded and happy when there was no flash of light by
sunset. It meant that the prisoner had
gone from the island - safe and well.
JCERT/JAC English Elective प्रश्न बैंक - सह - उत्तर पुस्तक (Question Bank-Cum-Answer Book)
English Core Index
Flamingo | |
Poetry Section | |
1. | |
2. | |
3. | |
4. | |
5. | |
6. | |
Prose Section | |
1. | |
2. | |
3. | |
4. | |
5. | |
6. | |
7. | |
8. | |
Vistas | |
1. | |
2. | |
3. | |
4. | |
5. | |
6. | |
7. | |
8. | |
English Elective Contents
Short Stories | |
1. | |
2. | |
3. | |
4. | |
5. | |
Poetry | |
1. | |
2. | |
3. | |
4. | |
5. | |
6. | |
7. | |
8. | |
Non-Fiction | |
1. | |
2. | |
3. | |
4. | |
5. | |
6. | |
Drama | |
1. | |
2. | |
Novel | |
1. | |
2. | |