Class 11th English Elective PROJECT RAIL (JCERT) Weekly Test Answer Key 22.02.2024

Class 11th English Elective PROJECT RAIL (JCERT) Weekly Test Answer Key 22.02.2024

Class 11th English Elective PROJECT RAIL (JCERT) Weekly Test Answer Key 22.02.2024

झारखण्ड शैक्षिक अनुसंधान एवं प्रशिक्षण परिषद् रॉची



विषय (Sub)-English Elective (अंग्रेजी इलेक्टीव)

कक्षा (Class) 11 समय (time) - 90 मिनट

पूर्णाक (Marks) - 40

सामान्य निर्देशः-

1. All question are compulsory.

2. The total no. of question is 15.

3. Section A (Objective) contain questions carrying 2 marks each.

4. Section B (Very Short Answer) contain 2 questions carrying 2 marks each.

5. Section C (Short Answer) contain 2 questions carrying 3 marks each.

6. Section D (Long Answer) contain 2 questions carrying 5 marks each.

7. There is no negative marking for any wrong answer.

8. Each question has four questions choose the correct option's (a,b,c and d) and write down in the answer sheet.

9. No students shall be allowed to leave the examination before the completion of the exam.

Section A (10x2-20 Marks)

1. Read the following Stanza and Answer the following

There are more literate people in India today than ever before. But there are also more illiterates than ever before. More children goto school than any time in the past. But more children today are. outofschool than at any time in the past. But it is to blame the high birth-rate for this state of affairs. Indeed, it can be reasonably argued that continued mass illiteracy is not the result but the cause of the high birth-rate. Consequently, spread of literacy can be a potent weapon of socio-economic development. Unfortunately, official's thought and planning in this regard has betrayed the failure of perception. The problem of illiteracy is related to but not the same as that of education. And while it is a colossal task to provide proper and full education to all children and youth in the country the eradication of illiteracy calls for a different and less leisurely blueprint. The following measures will be in the right direction; more primary schools, new part-time educational centres for those who cannot attend regular schools, and functional literacy centres for adults and rural areas.

Answer the following questions by choosing the most appropriate options: (questions 1 to 5 on the basis of the passage only).

i. High birth-rate is the result of

a) Poverty

b) illiteracy

(c) unemployment

(d) literacy

ii. By spreading literacy, we can bring

a) Equality in society

(b) peace in society

(c) socio-economic development

(d) health of environment

iii. The problem of illiteracy is

a) Related to education

(b) the same as the education

(c) different from education

(d) none of these

iv. illiteracy can be removed by opening

a) Primary Schools

b) New part time education centre

c) literacy centre for adults

d) All of the above

v. 'Colossal' means

a) Great

b) Small

c) very hot

d) very big

vi. Iona is a character of

a) Glory of twilight

b) luncheon

c) the Lament

d) Pappachi's Moth

vii. The author of the story "A pair of Moustachios" is

a) Mulkraj Anand

b) R.K. Narayan

c) Jhumpa Laheri

d) None of these

viii. Sherlock homes is a

a) Doctor

b) Lawyer

c) Detective

d) None of these

ix. In the poem the phrase "out of tune" refers to

a) No sense to enjoy the nature

b) Out of music

c) Song without tune

d) None of these

x. "my sense, as though of hemlock I had drunk" which figure of speech has been used in the above line?

(a) Metaphor


(c) Personification

(d) Simile

Section B (2x2-4 Marks)

11. Why did Satyajit feel that he was an imposter?

Ans- ....Because he was attending his uncle's daughter's marriage despite of severe financial losses. His uncle and family had expectation of substantial support from him which he was unable to fulfill.

12. What are the unpleasant aspects of human life that the poet wants to escape from?

Ans- He wants to escape from the pains, weariness and morality of human existence. In fact, he wants to escape from the sordid realities of human life.

Section C (3x2=6 Marks)

13. What spurred the author's mother to enroll her in dance class?

Ans- She was fascinated by film industry. When author was 7, she went to watch a move along with her family and was captivated by the dance of the heroine. After returning home, she prances/around her home initiating dance moves. This made her believe that she was a born dancer.

14. What is the main theme of the play, arms and the man

Ans- ------- a satirical play ------- has two themes: one is war & the other marriage. The romantic views of Raina's adoration for her fiancé along with the heroic deeds of Sergio are portrayed beautifully in the play.

Section D (5x2=10 Marks)

15. Write a letter to the editor of the Times of India, New Delhi highlighting the problem of price rise of the dialy consumption goods. You are Aman/Anjali of F/239 sec VI, B.S. City.

Ans- Letter to editor.


Sec. IV

B.S. City



The Editor

The Times Of India,

New Delhi

Sub: Highlighting the problem of price rise.


Para 1 (Indtroductory Para)

Para 2 (Main issue/contents)

Para 3 (Conclusion/request to publish the letter)

Yours faithfully


16. Write a paragraph on the basis of the conversation given below:

Mother: What have you got in your hand?

Bimal: Whistle, mother

Mother" how much did you pay for it?

Bimal: All the money father gave me yesterday.

Mother: What! Did you give all the money for the little thing?

Bimal: Yes, and I thingk I've made a good bargain.

Ans- Bimal's mother asked him what he had got in his hand to which he replied that he had got a whistle. At this her mother asked him how much he had paid for that. Bimal replied that he had paid all the money father had given him the previous day. His mother expressed shock that he had given all the money for the little thing. But Bimal said that he thought he had made a good bargain.

PROJECT RAIL (JCERT) Weekly Test Answer Key 2024-25

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