Class 11 English Elective Drama - 1. ARMS AND THE MAN

Class 11 English Elective Drama - 1. ARMS AND THE MAN

 Class 11 English Elective Drama - 1. ARMS AND THE MAN

प्रश्न बैंक - सह - उत्तर पुस्तक (Question Bank-Cum-Answer Book)

Class 11 English Elective (Drama)



Arms and the Man is a drama written by George Bernard Shaw.

There are three Acts in the play.

The play begins with the Serbo-Bulgarian War of 1885.

Raina, a bulgarian woman is daughter of a Major, Petkoff, in the Bulgarian army.

Raina's mother Catherine gives her the news of victory of the Bulgarian army.

Sergius, a major in Bulgarian army, is Raina's fiance and was also in the war heading the troop.

Louka, a servant in Petkoff's house, warns Raina to close the windows as guns are heard in the streets.

Raina did not care and slept with her windows open.

An escape of the Serbian army entered Raina's room at midnight to seek shelter.

A Russian officer came in pursuit of the soldier.

Raina and her mother helped the Serbian soldier to escape. They gave him Petkoff's coat not to be recognised.

Mr Petkoff and Sergius were back from the war.

Another servant, Nicola, was in love with Louka and had tried to polish her coarse behaviour.

But Louka was not satisfied and always wanted to marry a rich man.

Louka was a beautiful, ambitious maid and Sergius was attracted to her beauty and charm.

Sergius spoke to Louka privately and tried to flirt with her.

Meanwhile the Serbian soldier came to Petkoff's house to return the coat and he was identified as Bluntschli, a Swiss soldier.

Mr Petkoff welcomed the swiss soldier and asked him to stay and spend some time with them

Then Petkoff and Sergius took Bluntschli to the library to get his help in making a scheme to send the three cavalry regiments to Philippopolis.

When Raina saw Bluntschli, she was overwhelmed to see her chocolate cream soldier.

Thereupon, Louka informs that Raina had protected Bluntschli when he hailed into her room.

Knowing this Sergius was furious and challenges Bluntschli for a fight but Bluntschli avoids it by saying that Raina had helped at the gunpoint.

Louka is found in the arms of Sergius which reveals their relationship.

Hearing this, Raina broke off their engagement. And she was in love with Bluntschli.

Bluntschli received a telegram of his father's death and he had to take over the family business including the luxurious hotels.

Soon, Bluntschli proposes to Raina for marriage.

The play ended with the engagements of two couples-Sergius and Louka, Bluntschli and Raina. Nicola was offered a job as hotel manager by Bluntschli.


1. The author of the play 'Arms and the Man' is:

a. George Bernard Shaw

b. Shakespeare

c. John Ruskin

d. Ruskin Bond

2. The play 'Arms and the Man' was first published in ---

a. 1898

b. 1894

c. 1895

d. 1897

3. George Bernard Shaw was a/an ---- playwright.

a. English

b. Irish

c. American

d. Canadian

4. Where was the play 'Arms and the Man' staged first?

a. Avenue Theatre

b. Globe Theatre

c. Drury Lane

d. Covent Garden

5. How many acts are there in the play, 'Arms and the Man'?

a. 2 Acts

b. 3 Acts

c. 4 Acts

d. 5 Acts

6. Which rank is held by Raina's father?

a. Soldier

b. Major

c. General

d. Lieutenant

7. Who is Raina's father?

a. Major Petkoff

b. Sergius

c. Nicola

d. Bluntschli

8. Act 1 of the play takes place in the ladies bedroom is in-

a. Bulgaria

b. Romania

c. France

d. Italy

9. Who enters Raina's room at midnight?

a. Sergius

b. Catherine

c. Bluntschli

d. Louka

10. Why did Bluntschli enter Raina's room?

a. To meet Raina

b. To steal jewellery

c. To take shelter from pursuers

d. To have food

11. The Petkoff's house is in a small town near ----

a. Dragoman pass

b. Khyber pass

c. Gate pass

d. None of the above

12. Who is Sergius?

a. Raina's husband

b. Raina's fiance

c. Raina's brother

d. Raina's friend

13. The soldier hidden in Raina's room uses a ----- as a weapon.

a. Cloak

b. Revolver

c. Knife

d. None of these

14. What did Catherine install in the Pekoff's house?

a. A robot to call the servants

b. A stable for horses

c. An electric bell for the servants

d. An electric bell for horses

15. Major Petkoff ----- instead of using the electric bell to call the servants.

a. Uses a drum

b. Calls a callboy

c. Write orders

d. Yells

16. Catherine rebukes Raina for exposing herself to the ---- air.

a. Night

b. Day

c. Evening

d. Noon

17. Louka is a pretty young maid servant in the house of ---

a. Major Petkoff

b. Bluntschli

c. Sergius

d. None of the above

18. What does Louka tell Raina in the opening scene of the play?

a. How to find the trapdoor in her room.

b. How to unbuckle her shoes with the light off

c. How to close the window without locking it entirely shut

d. How to find the chocolate cream

19. Where does Bluntschli hide?

a. In Catherine's room

b. In Louka's room

c. in Raina's room

d. In Petkoff's room

20. To whom is Louka engaged?

a. Nikolai

b. Nicola

c. Ricola

d. Roku

21. Nicola is a ----- in Petkoff's house.

a. Gardener

b. Cook

c. Man-servan

d. Security guard

22. Which is Bluntschi's country?

a. Serbia

b. France

c. Switzerland

d. Ital

23. What nick-name was given to Bluntschli by Raina?

a. Chocolate-cream soldier

b. My darling

c. Brave soldier

d. King of my heart

24. Presently, Bluntschli was fighting for which country?

a. France

b. Bulgaria

c. Switzerland

d. Serbia

25. What did Bluntschli use to carry instead of cartridges?

a. Bread

b. Chocolate

c. Snacks

d. Sweets

26. Whose picture does Raina keep in her room at the start of the play?

a. Serguis's

b. Petkoff's

c. Bluntschli's

d. Katherine's

27. The Serbs are allied with members of which empire?

a. The Russian

b. The Batavian

c. The Austrian

d. The American

28. Who comes to look for an enemy soldier in Petkoff's house?

a. Sergius

b. A Serbian officer

c. A Russian officer

d. A Bulgarian officer

29. What does Raina ask Bluntschli to do, when he is in her room?

a. Sleep

b. Eat dinner in the kitchen

c. Look for ammunition

d. Look for rope

30. What do Raina and Catherine lend Bluntschli?

a. A coat

b. A stick

c. A pistol

d. A photograph

31. What is the physical evidence that proves that Raina is attracted to Bluntschli?

a. A necklace

b. A golden chocolate

c. A picture of herself on which Raina has written a note

d. A bottle of wine

32. What does Bluntschli help Sergius and Petkoff with?

a. Movement of regiments

b. Wallpapering the library

c. Learning the rules of a duel

d. Making a chocolate cream dessert

33. What makes Sergius's charge successful?

a. Lack of Serbian ammunition

b. Sergius's skill

c. Russia's lack of counter-charge

d. Petkoff's plan

34. To whom does Louka get engaged at the end of the play

a. Nicola

b. Nikolai

c. Sergius

d. Bluntschli

35. What does the Petkoff family brag about?

a. Their crest

b. Their basement

c. Their horses

d. Their library

36. What is revealed about Bluntschli in Act 37

a. He is not a real soldier

b. His father was poor

c. His father was enormously wealth

d. He is not Swiss

37. Whom does Catherine see in Sergius's arms?

a. Louka

b. Raina

c. Both a and b

d. Neither a nor b

38. At end of the play Sergius married-

a. Raina

b. Catherine

c. Louka

d. None of these

39. Who helped Louka in refining her like a fine Russian lady?

a. Sergius

b. Nicola

c. Catherine

d. Raina

40. Who asked Louka to make the table tidy?

a. Mr Petkoff

b. Catherine

c. Nicola

d. Sergius

41. In which country the play, Arms and the Man takes place?

a. Switzerland

b. Bulgaria

c. Serbia

d. Russia

42. Who was offered the job of a hotel manager?

a. Louka

b. Nicola

c. Paul

d. Sergius

43. The play ends in a flurry of ----

a. Gunfire

b. Engagements

c. Divorces

d. Thefts

44. The play, Arms and the Man has two themes-

a. War and nature

b. Nature and love

c. War and love

d. War and mankind

45. In which country does the play take place?

a. Bulgaria

b. Serbia

c. Russia

d. Austria


1. What is the setting of the play, Arms and the Man?

Ans. Arms and the Man is set in Bulgaria, a small town near the Dragoman Pass, late in November in the year 1985.

2. Who is Raina?

Ans. Raina is a young girl and daughter of Mr. and Mrs Petkoff.

3. Who is Raina's mother?

Ans. Catherine is Raina's mother.

4. Who enters Raina's room at midnight?

Ans. Serbian enemy soldier enters Raina's room at midnight.

5. Who is Louka?

Ans. Louka is a beautiful maid servant in Petkoff's house.

6. Why did Louka come to Raina's room?

Ans. Louka came to Raina's room to get all the windows closed as there may be shooting in the streets.

7. Why did Bluntschli come to Petkoff's house for the second time?

Ans. Bluntschli came to Petkoff's house to return the coat that was given to him by Catherine and Raina.

8. Did Raina confess that she offered shelter to Bluntschli?

Ans. At the end of the play Raina confesses that she had offered shelter to Bluntschli in her room.

9. Where did Petkoff and Sergius take Bluntschli?

Ans. Petkoff and Sergius took Bluntschli to the library of Petkoff's house.

10. What did Petkoff find in the pocket of his coat?

Ans. Petkoff found a photograph of Raina in his coat's pocket with an inscription; "Raina, to her chocolate Cream Soldier".

11. When did Act II take place and where?

Ans. Act II takes place on 6th March, 1886, in the garden of Major Petkoff's house.

12. Who received a telegram?

Ans. Bluntschli received a telegram when he was in Petkoff's house.

13. What information did Bluntschli get through the telegram?

Ans. Bluntschli was informed of the death of his father and he must take over the family business.

14. What was Nicola offered by Bluntschli?

Ans. Nicola was offered the job of a hotel manager by Bluntschli.

15. Whom did Sergius get engaged at the end of the play?

Ans. At the end of the Play Sergius got engaged to Louka.


1. What did Raina do with the Sergius picture?

Ans. Raina was Sergius's fiance. Sergius was away in the war. In his absence she adores her future husband and expresses her love for him. She was excited as she would be married on his return. She was so excited that even showed it to the Serbian soldier.

2. How did Raina help the Serbian soldier?

Ans. The Serbian soldier entered Raina's room at midnight. She protected him from the Russian officer. She gave him her bed to sleep, food to eat and a coat.

3. What is the main theme of the play, Arms and the Man?

Ans. Arms and the Man is a satirical play. It has two themes- one is war and the other one is marriage. Both the themes are interwoven, the romantic view of Raina's adoration for her fiance along with the heroic deeds of Sergius are portrayed beautifully in the play.

4. Why did Raina call Bluntschli a 'Chocolate Cream Soldier'?

Ans. Raina nicknamed Bluntschli as 'Chocolate Cream Soldier'. When Bluntschli entered Raina's room at midnight to seek shelter, he was tired and hungry. He told Raina that he did not have ammunition as according to him cartridges are of no use in the battle. Therefore, instead of cartridges he always carried chocolate and he had finished his cake a few hours ago. And he ate the cream offered by Raina which made him appear not a real soldier but a mere Chocolate Cream Soldier.

5. How do we come to know that Raina is engaged to Sergius?

Ans. The play begins with the conversation of Raina and her mother, Catherine. Through their conversation we come to know that Sergius is away in the war and after his return they (Sergius and Raina) would marry. At the same time, Raina holds Sergius' picture and adores him as her hero and future husband.


1. Discuss the plot of the play, Arms and the Man.

Ans. The play, 'Arms and the Man' is set in Bulgaria, a small town near the Dragoman Pass, late in November in the year 1985. It opens with the young romantic girl, Raina Petkoff and her mother, Catherine talking excitedly about a successful cavalry charge led by the handsome and heroic Sergius, to whom Raina is engaged. There comes their maidservant with the information of gun sounds in the streets and all the windows should be locked.

In the second act the war ends, and a scene takes place in Petkoff's house when Sergius and Raina's father return from the battlefield. In the house, Sergius is found holding Louka in his arms, clearly lusting after her. Bluntschli arrives at Petkoff's house to return the coat given to him by Raina.

In the final act, in the library, it comes out that, though Louka had been assumed to be engaged to the head servant Nicola, but is in love with Sergius. Raina eventually admits she has fallen in love with Bluntschli, who is hesitant as he believes Raina's to be much younger than him. When he finds out real age to be 23 he declares his affection for her. The play ends happily, with two new couples engagements.

2. Which character do you admire most in 'Arms and the Man'. Give reasons.

Ans. In 'Arms and the Man', I admire Captain Bluntschli most. He is the most interesting and delightful character in the play.

He is a handsome man of thirty-five years. He is a professional and fights when forced to do so. He walks out of the war when thinks that there is no use of fighting. He even escapes from the battlefield when he realises that escape is wiser than fight. He is not romantic like Raina nor foolish like Major Sergius. He is real and practical, deeply influencing Raina by his realism. He enters Raina's bedroom late at night to take shelter from his enemies. He forces Raina to protect himself at the gun point though it is unloaded. His realistic views about life and war shocks Raina's Romantic idealism.

I love Bluntschli as he is a grateful man. He expresses his gratitude to Raina who saves his life from Russian soldiers. I like him for his simple and innocent love for Raina. His charming personality attracts Raina. At the same time he is courageous and brave. He is prepared to be a coward on the basis of the situation but he is brave and courageous. He risks his life by getting down the water-pipe than cause embarrassment to Raina in her room at night. He accepts the challenge by Sergius, to fight sword as his rival.

Bluntschli's ability and wisdom is also appreciable. He helps Major Petkoff and Sergius in preparing the report of three regiments. He is the undisputed hero of the play.

3. Explain the significance of the title of the play, 'Arms and the Man'.

Ans. The title of Arms and the Man is taken from the first line of Virgil's 'Aeneid'. Shaw appears to the irony of the theme treated by Virgil, he changes the whole position in his Arms and the Man. He dislikes war and casts away its romantic charm. He hurls a sharp satire on chivalry of love and war.

Raina is the heroine of the play. She has romantic ideals and adores her lover Sergius. But the development of the plot shows that her dreams are shattered to is Captain Bluntschli who reveals to her the hollowness of war. Later on, Captain Bluntschli himself is engaged in marriage with Raina. Shaw also shows that in war food is as important as the ammunition and this truth has been proved true in the two world wars of the twentieth century. Shaw aims at reversing what Virgil unities in his Aeneid.

The play has three acts. The first act is laid in a young lady's bedroom on late November night in 1885. Raina, the romantic young girl, charmed by the romantic beauty of the night, adores the portrait of her lover Sergius who has gone to war, she gives shelter to Captain Bluntschli, a Swiss officer, who has been chased by the Bulgarian cavalry. He thereatens her with his pistol if she would attempt to raise any alarm, she hides him behind a curtain and denies his presence to a Russian officer who comes to search her room. He is a professional soldier and he joins the Serbian army because that country comes first on the road from his own country. He is a peculiar type of soldier who takes chocolates in place of cartridges.

The second act takes place on the 6th March in the garden of Major Petkoff In this scene two new characters are introduced, they are Nicola, the man servant and Louka the maid servant. Their talks reveal, that they are engaged for marriage. Petkoff returns from the war and is welcomed by his wife, Catherine and their daughter Raina. Then comes Major Sergius who has resigned from the army because he is not promoted to higher rank inspite of victory which is achieved by his blunder. Louka and Sergius are left alone and Sergius embraces her, she reveals to him that Raina has begun to love a Swiss officer and would marry him. Bluntschli also arrives when Petkoff and Sergius are busy in the library. Bluntschli comes to return the coat lent to him by Raina and Catherine. The later wants to immediately leave her because of the presence of her husband. But Petkoff, followed by Sergius, comes into the garden and Bluntschli accepts the hospitality of the family.

The third act is laid in the library of Major Petkoff, Bluntschli is busy in chalking out plans for sending three regiments at the instruction of Major Petkoff and Sergius only signs the documents drafted by Bluntschli. Petkoff has got his coat. Raina and Bluntschli are left alone and they talk amorously, Raina reveals to him that she spoke two lies for his sake, she asks him about the photo she kept in the pocket of the coat. Then comes the telegram of the sad demise of Bluntschli's father and he desires to leave for his country,

Louka and Sergius are also shown alone and Sergius transfers his love from Raina to Louka when he learns that Raina has become disloyal to him and has fallen in love with Bluntschli. Sergius declares that he would marry Louka instead of Raina.

Petkoff doubts Raina's behaviour but the mystery is cleared when Bluntschli confesses that he is the chocolate cream soldier whose life was saved by Raina and she gave him the coat. Bluntschli enumerates his possessions left to him by his father in Switzerland, Major Petkoff and Catherine give their consent for the marriage of Raina with Captain Bluntschli. Thus the play ends with marriages of the two pairs.

English Elective (CONTENTS)







The Lament

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A Pair Of Mustachios

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The Rocking-horse Winner

D.H. Lawrence


The Adventure of the Three Garridebs

Arthur Conan Doyle


Pappachi's Moth

Arundhati Roy


The Third And Final Continent

Jhumpa Lahiri



The Peacock

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Let Me Not To The Marriage Of True Minds

William Shakespeare



Philip Larkin


Telephone Conversation

Wole Soyinka


The World is too Much With Us

William Wordsworth


Mother Tongue

Padma Sachdev


Hawk Roosting

Ted Hughes


Ode to a Nightingale

John Keats



My Watch

Mark Twain


My Three Passions

Bertrand Russell


Patterns Of Creativity

S. Chandrasekhar


Tribal Verse



What is a Good Book?

John Ruskin


The Story




Kumudini Lakhia



Arms And The Man




The Old Man And The Sea

Ernest Hemingway

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