Class 11 English Elective PROSE 5. PAPPACHI'S MOTH

Class 11 English Elective PROSE 5. PAPPACHI'S MOTH

 Class 11 English Elective PROSE 5. PAPPACHI'S MOTH

प्रश्न बैंक - सह - उत्तर पुस्तक (Question Bank-Cum-Answer Book)

Class 11 English Elective (PROSE)

5. PAPPACHI'S MOTH - Arundhati Roy


The lesson Pappachi's Moth is an extract from the famous novel 'The God of Small Things', the first novel by Arundhati Roy.

This famous novel was awarded the prestigious, Booker Prize in 1997.

The story starts with an imperial entomologist Shri Bennan John Ipe who is referred as Pappachi and his wife Shoshamma Ipe who is referred as Mammachi in the story.

The names of their children are Ammu and Chacko.

Kochu Maria or Baby Kochamma was Pappachi's widowed sister.

Mammachi made pickles commercially and was busy the whole day.

Pappachi is a retired entomologist but he has been bitter since his discovery of a new species of moth first rejected but after twelve years, it was considered to be new and still unknown species to science.

But the moth was named after the name of the present Acting Director.

Thus, he became short- tempered. He was habitual of beating his wife but he was prevented from doing so by his son Chacko.

He felt all alone and died in this state by a massive heart attack.

At Pappachi's funeral, Mammachi cried bitterly because she was used to him more than she loved him.


1. From which novel the extract (Pappachi's Moth) has been taken?

a. Interpreter of Maladies

b. The God of Small Things

c. The Adventure of Sherlock Holmes

d. The Untouchables

2. Who is the author of the story 'Pappachi's Moth'?

a. Jhumpa Lahiri

b. D. H. Lawrence

c. Mulk Raj Anand

d. Arundhati Roy

3. Where did Pappachi and Mammachi live?

a. Ayemenem

b. Munnar

c. Central Square

d. Seemapuri

4. Mammachi had started making ........... commercially soon after Pappachi retired from government service.

a. Pickles

b. Noodles

c. Papad

d. Chips

5. Who had asked Mammachi to make her famous banana jam and mango pickle?

a. Pappachi

b. Kochu Maria

c. The Kottayam Bible Society

d. Pusa Institute

6. Pappachi is jealous of --------

a. Chacko

b. Ammu

c. Kochu Maria

d. Mammachi

7. Who broke the bow of Mammachi's violin and threw it in the river?

a. Kochu Maria

b. Mammachi's sister

c. Pappachi

d. Ammu

8. How many children did Pappachi and Mammachi have?

a. One

b. Two

c. Three

d. Four

9. How many years older was Pappachi than Mammachi?

a. Fifteen

b. Sixteen

c. Seventeen

d. Eighteen

10. Who used to beat Mammachi every night?

a. Mammachi's mother

b. Mammachi's father

c. Chacko

d. Pappachi

11. "I never want this to happen again". Who said this and to whom?

a. Ammu said to Chacko

b. Ammu said to Kochu Maria

c. Mammachi said to Chacko

d. Chacko said to Pappachi

12. What did Pappachi do to show Mammachi's neglect to people?

a. He did not eat.

b. He sewed buttons that were not missing onto his shirts.

c. He threw his belongings on the verandah.

d. He threw the brass flower vase on the verandah.

13. In which institute did Pappachi worked?

a. Pusa Institute

b. Usha Institute

c. Science Centre

d. National Institute of Technology

14. Initially Pappachi's designation was ----

a. Joint director

b. Director

c. Executive Engineer

d. Imperial Entomologist

15. After Independence, when the British left, Pappachi's designation was changed from Entomologist to -----

a. Joint Director, Medicine

b. Joint Director, Entomology

c. Joint Director, Microbiology

d. Joint Director, Radiology

16. Moth is ------

a. A bird

b. A shrub

c. A flower

d. An insect

17. Pappachi's moth was named after ---

a. Imperial Entomologist

b. Director, Entomology

c. Acting Director, Entomology

d. Joint Director, Entomology

18. From where did Pappachi do his six-month diploma course?

a. Delhi

b. Ayemenem

c. Vienna

d. Madras

19. Who was Launsky-Tieffennnnthal?

a. Mammachi's violin teacher

b. Pappachi's Diploma teacher

c. Chacko's dance teacher

d. Mammachi's brother

20. Mammachi cried at Pappachi's funeral because ---

a. She was used to him

b. She loved him

c. She hated him

d. She would be alone

21. The theme of Pappachi's Moth revolves around -----

a. Matriarchy

b. Patriarchy

c. Anarchy

d. Monarchy

22. What did Mammachi made after her husbands's retirement ?

a. Sweets

b. Pickles

c. Cakes

d. Papads

23. What was Pappachi's attitude towards her wife?

a. Gratitude

b. Cruel

c. Kind

d. Sensitive

24. Pappachi used to beat his wife with -----

a. A steel ruler

b. A brass flower vase

c. A cane

d. A hunter

25. Who warned Pappachi not to beat Mammachi?

a. Chacko

b. Ammu

c. Kochu Maria

d. Baby Kochamma

26. What fell into the drink of Pappachi?

a. A housefly

b. A mosquito

c. A moth

d. An ant

27. In which newspaper was Pappachi's obituary published?

a. The Times of India

b. The Hindu

c. Indian Express

d. The Deccan Herald

28. What kind of scientist was Pappachi?

a. Entomologist

b. Dermatologist

c. Ornithologist

d. Gerontologist

29. With what disease was Mammachi suffering from?

a. Conical corneas

b. Lung disease

c. Heart disease

d. Skin disease

30. What did Chacko see at home when he came back home during summer vacation?

a. He saw that his parents were dead.

b. He saw that his parents were not at home.

c. He saw that his father was beating his mother.

d. He saw that his parents were very happy together.

31. What kind of clothes did Pappachi wore at home?

a. Dhoti kurta

b. Kurta and pyjama

c. Three piece suit

d. Pant shirt

32. What was the greatest setback of Pappachi's life?

a. The moth he discovered was not named after him.

b. His married life was not fruitful.

c. That his son tried to twist his hand.

d. Not mentioned in the story.

33. After how many years, did Pappachi come to know that his moth was not an ordinary moth?

a. Twenty years

b. Twelve years

c. Two years

d. Twenty two years

34. How did Pappachi die?

a. Due to brain hemorrhage morrhage

b. Due to cancer

c. Due to an accident

d. Due to heart attack

35. Pappachi's rocking chair was made of ----

a. Mahogany wood

b. Teak wood

c. Coffee wood

d. Pine wood


1. What did Kottayam Bible Society ask Mammachi?

Ans. The Kottayam Bible Society asked Mammachi to make some of her famous banana jam and tender mango pickle.

2. What did Pappachi realise with a shock?

Ans. Pappachi realised with a shock that he was an old man while his wife was still in her prime.

3. What did Pappachi do every night?

Ans. Pappachi would beat his wife Mammachi with a brass flower vase every night, and the frequencies were increasing.

4. What was the greatest setback for Pappachi?

Ans. Pappachi's greatest regret was that the moth he discovered was not named after him.

5. Why was Mammachi's lesson of violin discontinued?

Ans. Mammachi's violin lesson was discontinued because the teacher made the mistake of telling Pappachi that his wife had exceptional talents that made him to break the violin and throw it in the river.

6. Why had Pappachi done the six month diploma course?

Ans. Pappachi had done the six-month diploma course to apply for the post of Imperial Entomologist.

7. What was Mammachi used to?

Ans. Mammachi was used to Pappachi slouching around her pickle factory and being beaten by him from time to time.

8. What did Ammu say about human beings?

Ans. Ammu said that human beings were creatures of habit and it was amazing the kind of things they could get used to.

9. What happened at the fair?

Ans. At the fair held by the Kottayam Bible Society, Mammachi was asked to make her famous mango pickles and banana jam. She received more orders than she could handle because they were sold so quickly.

10. What happened at Pappachi's funeral?

Ans. At Pappachi's funeral, Mammachi cried bitterly and her contact lenses slid around in her eyes.


1. Why did Pappachi not help Mammachi in her business of pickles?

Ans. Pappachi was a retired officer from entomology department. His wife Mammachi was a hard working woman. She was almost blind but Pappachi did not help her because he was of the opinion that pickle making was a trivial job for such a high ranked officer who was the Joint Director of the Entomology Department. So, he never helped Mammachi in her business.

2. How can you say that Mammachi is an Indian traditional, woman?

Ans. Mammachi is an Indian traditional woman who does not protest even at the time when her husband beats her harshly nor she complains or discloses it to anyone. She is a loyal wife. She cries at the funeral of Pappachi. Thus, she becomes completely an Indian traditional woman in the story.

3. What was Pappachi's revenge?

Ans. Pappachi purchased a sky blue Plymouth from a retired Englishman in Munnar. He became a common sight, cruising down the narrow road in his large automobile at Munnar, appearing elegant on the outside but sweating profusely inside his woollen clothing. He wouldn't even let Mammachi or anybody else in the family sit in it. The Plymouth was his revenge.

4. Why did Chacko warn Pappachi?

Ans. Chacko came home for a summer vacation from Oxford. A week after he arrived, he found Pappachi beating Mammachi in the study. Chacko strode into the room, caught Pappachi's hand holding the vase and twisted it around his back. He warned strictly Pappachi never to beat her again.

5. How did Pappachi react after Chacko's warning?

Ans. Pappachi sat in the verandah and stared stonily out at his beautiful garden, ignoring the plates of food that Kochu Maria brought him. He went into his study late at night and brought out his favourite mahogany rocking chair. He put it down in the middle of the driveway and smashed it into little bits with a plumber's monkey wrench.

6. Identify instances of ironical comment in the story.

Ans. It is ironical that despite being brutally beaten by Pappachi, Mammachi used to love him. She cried bitterly on his death. However, the fact is that Mammachi was not in love but was used to Pappachi and his beatings.


1. Comment on the relationship shared by Mammachi and Pappachi.

Ans. Pappachi and Mammachi had an age difference of seventeen years. A retired high ranked officer, Pappachi was always jealous of Mammachi's talent and of the attention she received. Whether it was pickle making or her violin classes in Vienna, Pappachi was always jealous of her. Despite of all the frictions they had in their relationship, Mammachi bore with him. Mammachi was more used to Pappachi and was not exactly in love with him. Pappachi used to beat her with brass vases and still Mammachi did not oppose. She wept bitterly on his funeral not because the man she had loved was gone but because he will not be around her any more. He was an old shoe for her and she could not let him go. She was attached to him, to having his slouching around the pickle factory, and of course, used of being beaten by him

2. How does Mammachi stand out as an independent resilient woman in the text?

Ans. Mammachi was a woman who was always discouraged by her egoistic Entomologist husband. He never supported her and was jealous of her talent and any sort of attention she received. Probably it was so because of the frustration kept inside his heart for not receiving the deserved fame of his discovery of the moth he wished to be named after him. However, her pickle recipe was a famous and she was called by the Kottayam Bible Society to make some of her famous banana jam and tender mango pickle for an upcoming fair. It sold quickly and received more orders than she could cope with. Thrilled with her success, Mammachi decided to persist with the pickles and jam and was kept busy for the whole year. Gradually she set up a pickle factory and made a success of it.

3. Why does John Ipe consider retirement to be a dishonour?

Ans. Benaan John Ipe, Pappachi, got retired from the post of Joint Director, Entomology. He was a reputed man. He was proud of being a high- ranked government officer, however, now retired he was finding it difficult to cope with the ignominy of retirement. He was seventeen years older than Mammachi and realised with a shock that he was an old man when his wife was still in her prime. He had always been a jealous man and he resented the attention his wife was suddenly getting. For him his retirement that was a constant reminder of his old age stung him deeply. A man who was once so strong to beat down his wife with brass vase was put to a stop by his young son. He felt neglected and dejected. Once Imperial Entomologist was now reduced to a withered old man and this gave a jolt to his ego

4. What was the underlying reason for John Ipe's disgust with the world?

Ans. John Ipe was disgusted with the world. The moth, Pappachi discovered, was not named after him and fuelled the fire that burnt within him, consuming him. He was ill humoured already, yet the fact that he was a retired government official without any fame, his wife who was seventeen years younger to him, still in her prime was doing good with her pickle factory. This hurt Pappachi, it wounded his pride. He started beating Mammachi frequently. His wife's success wounded him badly and his frustration increased day by day.

5. Discuss Chacko's firmness in dealing with the irrational behaviour of his father.

Ans. Pappachi used to beat Mammachi with a brass vase every other night until Chacko came home for a summer vacation from Oxford. He had grown into a big and strong man. It had been a week to him since he arrived that he found Pappachi beating Mammachi in the study. Chacko strode into the room, caught Pappachi's hand by which he held vase and was beating Mammachi and twisted it around his back. He warned Pappachi not to beat her again. He never dared to touch Mammachi again and yet he never talked to her till he lived. The firm attitude of the young son stopped the domestic violence that used to take place every night in the house It was a strong action taken by the boy. Men in our society beat their wives without any cause just to prove their physical superiorty. The boy made it clear to the father that he is not the only one with muscles in the house putting a stop to the violence.

6. Discuss the contrast between the outward elegance of a person and his private behaviour

Ans. Pappachi, John Ipe was an ex high-ranking government official, a Joint Director Entomology. A well qualified and socially dignified personality who always wore immaculate three piece suits and his golden pocket watch. However, the reality that was locked inside his house was this that he was one of those men of our society who could not see their wives prospering and being successful. He resented her talent and never approved her pickle factory or even her violin classes in Vienna. The face that his family knew was an ugly reality. He used to beat his wife almost every night with a brass vase. Anybody would be disgusted at the behaviour of such a man who appeared to be so dignified publicly but was violent to her wife.

7. Approval from the outside world and approval within the family. Discuss the statement in light of the lesson.

Ans. Mammachi was a woman with an exceptional talent and this made Pappachi jealous of her. Once when her violin teacher remarked on her being very talented, Pappachi called off the classes. The Kottayam Bible Society in Ayemenem was full of appreciation for Mammachi, while her own husband looked down upon her. He was jealous of his wife's success, a male chauvinist, Pappachi was not an ideal husband. He had a dutiful wife but he never appreciated her.

8. How does the author succeed in raising crucial social issues not through open criticism but through subtle suggestion?

Ans. The author has successfully portrayed the crucial social issues without being harsh towards them. She has artistically portrayed the male dominating society in which we live in. In this society some people cannot tolerate the fame and glory of a woman. It is strange to note that Pappachi and Mammachi are not on good relationship yet she respects him and remains a dutiful wife. In this society a male is free to do whatever he likes. He can even beat his wife without any reason who is equally talented. In our society, a male cannot tolerate his wife's success. He wants that his wife should always obey his orders silently. Thus, the author is quite successful in raising crucial social issues not through open criticism but through subtle suggestion..

9. Within a few pages the author has packed the important events in the lives of John Ipe and his wife. Discuss how conciseness and economy of expression can achieve effective portrayal of entire lives.

Ans. There are two ways of narrating a story, one style is the elongated narration with the detailing of each and every emotion and situation giving length to the story. The other style is crisp one that keeps the story short yet highlighting the important events and emotions. Arundhati Roy has narrated using the second style. She has kept the story short, yet she did not miss out anything She has described the relation of a husband and a wife with all the necessary details, though she did not ponder over the sentiments for long. Pappachi having lost the chance to gain the recognition, he could have, felt the loss of identity. The author is economical when she describes the emotions and makes sure that nothing worthless is portrayed. The narration is simple enough and achieves effectively the portrayal of the entire lives of the characters. The disturbance in the mariage, the physical violence, the emotional loss, the intervention of the young son and its impact on the father. All have been portrayed concisely.

English Elective (CONTENTS)







The Lament

Anton Chekhov


A Pair Of Mustachios

Mulk Raj Anand


The Rocking-horse Winner

D.H. Lawrence


The Adventure of the Three Garridebs

Arthur Conan Doyle


Pappachi's Moth

Arundhati Roy


The Third And Final Continent

Jhumpa Lahiri



The Peacock

Sujata Bhatt


Let Me Not To The Marriage Of True Minds

William Shakespeare



Philip Larkin


Telephone Conversation

Wole Soyinka


The World is too Much With Us

William Wordsworth


Mother Tongue

Padma Sachdev


Hawk Roosting

Ted Hughes


Ode to a Nightingale

John Keats



My Watch

Mark Twain


My Three Passions

Bertrand Russell


Patterns Of Creativity

S. Chandrasekhar


Tribal Verse



What is a Good Book?

John Ruskin


The Story




Kumudini Lakhia



Arms And The Man




The Old Man And The Sea

Ernest Hemingway

Solved Paper of JAC Annual Examination - 2023

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