Class 11 English Elective POETRY 7. HAWK ROOSTING

Class 11 English Elective POETRY 7. HAWK ROOSTING

 Class 11 English Elective POETRY 7. HAWK ROOSTING

प्रश्न बैंक - सह - उत्तर पुस्तक (Question Bank-Cum-Answer Book)

Class 11 English Elective (POETRY)

7. HAWK ROOSTING - Ted Hughes


Hawk Roosting is written by Ted Hughes.

Poetry of Ted Hughes is fascinated by the world of birds and animals.

The poem is in the form of a Monologue.

Monologue is a long speech by an individual.

The speaker in the poem is a Hawk who considers himself to be strong,powerful and superior to others.

The theme of the poem suggests that violence and cruelty is a matter of focuses on the idea that violence in the Hawk's world is not some kind of moral wrong but is a part of his nature for survival.

The Hawk sits on the top of a tree, closing its eyes, thinking of his prey.

It says that nature helps him in his task of catching his prey.

The creature boasts that the whole creation has made efforts to create his body.

The Hawk declares that the whole world belongs to him and he can kill anyone whom he pleases.

In the end, the Hawk says that his actions are justified as it is his means of survival. He has committed no wrong.


1. Who is the poet of the poem, 'Hawk Roosting'?

a. Rabindranath Tagore

b. Vikram Seth

c. Ted Hughes

d. William Wordsworth

2. Who is 'l' in the first line of the poem, 'Hawk Roosting'?

a. The Hawk

b. The Reader

c. The Poet

d. The Nature

3. What is the Hawk doing at the beginning of the poem, 'Hawk Roosting'?

a. Tearing off heads

b. Practicing Flying

c. Looking for a prey

d. Resting

4. What does 'Roosting' mean?

a. Place where birds lay eggs

b. Place where birds rest

c. Nests

d. Place where birds eat

5. Where does the Hawk sit?

a. Top of a building

b. Nest

c. Top of a tree

d. Top of a man

6. What does the Hawk do when he is sleeping?

a. Dreams of flying

b. Rehearse perfect kills

c. Plans to build a nest

d. Wants to catch food for its chicks

7. The Hawk believes himself to be-

a. Ashamed, Wanting to change

b. Justified, Ready to argue for his rights

c. Thoughtful, Sophisticated

d. Almighty, All powerful

8. Who is responsible for producing the body of Hawk?

a. The Hawk Himsel

b. The Nature

c. Man

d. Birds

9. Which particular organ of the body help the Hawk to inspect whole world and its prey

a. Hooked head

b. Hooked feet

c. Curved feet

d. Feathers

10. Who says, "Now I hold Creation in my foot"?

a. God

b. Man

c. Poet

d. Hawk

11. What has been spoken about the attitude of the Hawk in the poem, 'Hawk Roosting'?

a. Forceful, Confident and arrogant

b. Noble and Humble

c. Kind and Generous

d. Confident and helpful

12. Who can kill whatever pleases and why?

a. God, because he is all powerful.

b. Lion, because he is the king of the Jungle.

c. Hawk, because the World is all his.

d. Hawk, because he created the world.

13. When did the hawk begin?

a. Hawk began very first.

b. Hawk began with the other creatures.

c. Hawk began with God.

d. Hawk began with the last of other animals.

14. Who is the speaker of the poem, 'Hawk Roosting'?

a. Nature

b. Tree

c. Lion

d. Hawk

15. In which form, the poem 'Hawk Roosting' is written?

a. Monologue

b. Dialogue

c. Narrative

d. Elegy


1. Who is the poet of 'Hawk Roosting'?

Ans. 'Hawk Roosting' is written by Ted Hughes.

2. What kind of poetry is 'Hawk Roosting'?

Ans. 'Hawk Roosting' is a Dramatic Monologue.

3. What is a Dramatic Monologue?

Ans. Dramatic Monologue is a long speech by an individual.

4. Who is the speaker in this poem?

Ans. The speaker in the poem is a Hawk.

5. What idea does the Hawk symbolize in the poem?

Ans. In the poem, Hawk is symbolic of power and arrogance.

6. Where does the Hawk sit?

Ans. The hawk sits on the topmost point of a tree.

7. What does the Hawk see in its dream?

Ans. In his dreams the Hawk sees himself rehearsing his act of killing his prey.

8. What do the Hawk consider itself?

Ans. The Hawk considers itself superior to everything on the earth.

9. What does the Hawk say about the sun?

Ans. The Hawk says that even the sun follows him.

10. What is meant by the term "allotment of death"?

Ans. "Allotment of death" means that the manner of Hawk is to kill whoever he likes.


1. What is the main idea of the poem 'Hawk Roosting'?

Ans. The main idea of Hawk Roosting is that violence and cruelty is a matter of viewpoint. For humans, violence is an immoral act but for nature it is justified as it is a means of survival.

2. What does the Hawk say about its manner?

Ans. The Hawk is violent, cruel and destructive in manner. He does not care about his prey and is highly insensitive. He says that nature is of advantage to him. He has been created in such a way to facilitate his manners of hunting.

3. What does the Hawk say about the sun?

Ans. In the poem, the Hawk says that The Sun is behind me. It means that the Hawk considers himself superior to nature. The sun allows him to do whatever he likes.

4. What does the Hawk do when it is not resting?

Ans. The Hawk is flying all over the place when it is not resting. He can fly fast and slow. He sees everything beneath him. He can kill any prey he likes.

5. Why does the Hawk say "My eye has permitted no change"?

Ans. The Hawk is arrogants himself and says that the world has not changed since he was created. Nature has remained permanent and perfect. It has not changed because the Hawk has not allowed it.


1. Why does Hughes write from the perspective of a bird in this poem'?

Ans. Hughes was deeply fascinated by the world of animals and birds. Hawk Roosting is written from the perspective of a Hawk to provide an insight into its mind so that the reader can have a better understanding of the bird. The poet is trying to convey that nature isn't always a pretty thing. The Hawk is a metaphor of humans because they dominate the world as does the Hawk in this poem. Through his poetry, Hughes facilitates a harmonious bond between humans and all other natural living beings.

2. Comment on the physical features of the Hawk highlighted in the poem and its significance ?

Ans. In the poem, Hawk is represented as a confident, arrogant, ferocious and violent bird. It has sharp eyes with which it could kill even in its sleep. It has cutting claws which helps hold the trees and to keep the whole world underneath. It has long wings to cut through the wind and revolve around the world to inspect its prey. The Hawk is superior in every way and there is no false bravery into this. Its physical structures are such that it can tear heads.

3. Explain the significance of the title Hawk Roosting?

Ans. The poem is about the speaker, the Hawk, who is sitting on the top of a tree. The Hawk is symbolic of human beings who go beyond the prescribed boundaries and norms imposed by society. The Hawk claims itself to be the bearer of power and authority. Through the perspective of the Hawk, Ted Hughes tries to capture his own vision of the world and portray them through the violent imagery of the Hawk, which is a bird of prey.

English Elective (CONTENTS)







The Lament

Anton Chekhov


A Pair Of Mustachios

Mulk Raj Anand


The Rocking-horse Winner

D.H. Lawrence


The Adventure of the Three Garridebs

Arthur Conan Doyle


Pappachi's Moth

Arundhati Roy


The Third And Final Continent

Jhumpa Lahiri



The Peacock

Sujata Bhatt


Let Me Not To The Marriage Of True Minds

William Shakespeare



Philip Larkin


Telephone Conversation

Wole Soyinka


The World is too Much With Us

William Wordsworth


Mother Tongue

Padma Sachdev


Hawk Roosting

Ted Hughes


Ode to a Nightingale

John Keats



My Watch

Mark Twain


My Three Passions

Bertrand Russell


Patterns Of Creativity

S. Chandrasekhar


Tribal Verse



What is a Good Book?

John Ruskin


The Story




Kumudini Lakhia



Arms And The Man




The Old Man And The Sea

Ernest Hemingway

Solved Paper of JAC Annual Examination - 2023

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