प्रश्न बैंक - सह - उत्तर पुस्तक (Question Bank-Cum-Answer Book)
Class 11 English Elective (ESSAY)
1. MY WATCH - Mark Twain
☞ My Watch is a humorous essay written by Mark Twain.
☞ The author bought a new watch
which had run eighteen months without any trouble.
☞ One day it ran down him so he took it to the chief-
☞ The head of the jewellery shop found it to be four
minutes late. He opened the watch and corrected it.
☞ Then it started moving faster and faster and was ahead
of thirteen days from actual.
☞ The author went to the second watchmaker who
recommended the cleaning, oiling and regulating of the watch.
☞ Even then the watch did not work properly and he took
it to another watchmaker.
☞ The third watchmaker found the barrel of the watch
swollen and took three days to reduce it.
☞ The watch behaved very strangely. It started barking,
wheezing, whooping, sneezing and snorting.
☞ He went to another watchmaker who repaired the broken
king-bolt of the watch but lost in another way.
☞ It would run a while and then stop a while, then
finally he took to fifth watchmaker, then sixth and finally to the seventh
☞ But all in vain. While he was waiting at the seventh
watchmaker he recognised the watchmaker to be a steam-boat engineer.
☞ Then he realised that all other watchmakers to be
unsuccessful tinkers who could not repair his watch.
☞ Finally he remembers his dead uncle William who used to
say that a good horse was a good horse until it had run away once, and that a
good watch was a good watch until the repairers got a chance at it.
1. The author of the essay 'My Watch' is:
a. Mark Twain
b. D.H. Lawrence
c. Anita Desai
d. E.M Forster
2. Mark Twain was a/ an ------- short story writer and novelist.
a. English
b. American
c. Australian
3. The real name of Mark
Twain was -----
a. Samuel L. Clemens
b. D.H. Lawrence
c. E.M. Forster
d. Emest Hemingway
4. Mark Twain worked as ------
a. a printer's apprentice
b. a steamboat pilot
c. a journalist
d. all of the above
5. The author's watch worked smoothly for
a. 18 months
b. 2 months
c. 4 months
d. 12 months
6. The author visited ------ watchmakers.
a. twelve
b. fifteen
c. twenty
d. seven
7. The author's watch was showing November
in the month of ------
a. September
b. December
c. October
d. May
8. After how many days did the second
watchmaker ask the author to come?
a. Five days
b. Six days
c. Seven days
d. Eight days
9. The author's watch had run thirteen days
ahead in -----
a. three months
b. two months
c. four months
d. eight months
10. How many days was the time of the watch
ahead after it was mended by the chief jeweller?
a. Thirteen days
b. Fifteen days
c. Twenty days
d. Thirty
11. "It left the time pieces of the
town far behind and went ahead thirteen days of the calendar". The said
phrase is:
a. Hyperbole
b. Metaphor
c. Simile
d. Allegory
12. At first the author gave his watch to a
----- to get it repaired.
a. Jeweller
b. Mechanic
c. Technician
d. none of the above
13. The watchmaker puts a small ------ into
his eye and peered into the machinery of the watch.
a. Dice box
b. Telescope
c. Microscope
d. Binoculars
14. What did the third watchmaker say about
the watch after examining it?
a. It needed oiling and cleaning
b. The barrel of the watch was swelled
c. King-bolt was broken
d. The mainspring was not straight
15. How many days did the third watchmaker
take to correct it?
a. Two days
b. Three days
c. Four days
d. Five days
16. What kind of sound did the watch make
after being examined for the third time?
a Barking
b. Wheezing
c. Whooping
d. All of the above
17. The watchmaker explained that its -----
were bent and had to be set right.
a. Crystal
b. Mainspring
c. Both
a and b
d. Neither a nor b
18. The chief watchmaker of the jeweller
said that the watch was running ---- minutes slow.
a. four
b. five
c. six
d. seven
19. One of the watchmakers told the author
that the watch needed ----
a. Cleaning
b. Regulating
c. Oiling
d. All of the above
20. Another watchmaker told the narrator
that the ----- of the watch was broken.
a. Mainspring
b. King bolt
c. Wire
d. Arm
21. What happened to the watch after it was
mended by the fourth watchmaker?
a. It was four minutes slow
b. It made strange sounds
c. It was thirteen days ahead
d. It would run a while and then stop
22. How much did the author spend on repairing
the watch?
a. One or two thousand dollars
b. Two or or three thousand dollars
c. One or two hundred dollars
d. Two or three hundred dollars
23. Originally the cost of the watch was -----
hundred dollars.
a. Two
b. One
c. Three
d. Four
24. The author recognised the seventh
watchmaker to be a/an
a. Gunsmith
b. Shoe-maker
c. Engineer
d. Blacksmith
25. The name of the author's uncle was
a. William
b. James
c. Joe
d. John
26. The author's uncle was ---
a. alive
b. deceased
c. ailing
d. ill
1. What did the author, Mark Twain buy?
Ans. The author bought a new watch which worked
uninterrupted for eighteen months.
2. Where did the author go after it fell
from his hand?
Ans. He went to the chief jeweller to get his watch set
at the exact time.
3. What fault did the first watchmaker find
with the watch?
Ans. He found that the watch was four minutes slow and
the regulator of the watch needed pushing up.
4. What happened to the watch after it was
mended for the first time?
Ans. After the watch was mended for the first time it
started running faster and faster day by day such that it was thirteen days
ahead of the actual time.
5. What did the second watchmaker recommend
to repair the watch?
Ans. The second watchmaker recommended that the watch
needed cleaning, oiling and regulating.
6. Who was the seventh watchmaker?
Ans. The seventh watchmaker was a steam-boat engineer
some years back.
7. How much did the watch cost the author
Ans. The watch had cost two hundred dollars originally.
8. How much did he spend on repairing the
Ans. He spent about two or three thousand dollars on
repairing the watch.
9. Who was William?
Ans. William was the dead uncle of the author.
10. What did William use to say?
Ans. William used to say that a good horse was a good
horse until it had run away once, and that a good watch was a good watch until
the repairers got a chance at it.
1. What made the author visit the chief
Ans. The author visited the chief jeweller as he bought a
beautiful watch in two hundred dollars. One night it ran down and time of the
watch missed. He set the time by guess but next day he went to the chief
jeweller to set the exact time.
2. How did the watch behave after the first
watchmaker corrected it?
Ans. The watch started to gain faster and faster day by
day. By the end of two months it was thirteen days ahead of the calendar and
had entered the month of November when it was actually October.
3. What happened to the watch after the
swelling of the barrel of the watch was reduced?
Ans. After the swelling of the barrel of the watch was
reduced it worked well. But very soon, strangely, half the day it started
barking, wheezing, whooping. sneezing and snorting. Sometimes it would slow
down, at other times it would show fair and square average time.
4. Did the watch work well after it was
repaired? If not, why?
Ans. No, the watch did not work properly even though it
was repaired seven times. The author visited seven watchmakers to get his watch
repaired but could not because the watchmakers were not the expert or skilled
mechanic of the watch but they were tinkers.
5. What did the seventh watchmaker say about
the watch?
Ans. The seventh watchmaker was a steam-boat engineer few
years back. After examining the watch carefully he said that the watch made too
much steam.
1. What was the importance of the watch to
the author?
Ans. The author's beautiful watch was of much importance
to him. As in those days the watch was the only instrument which showed the
correct time of the day. He bought it to be punctual and be disciplined. For
eighteen months it worked properly without losing or gaining and without any
machinery breakage or stopping. And he believed the watch to be perfect in
showing the time. But as soon as it was stopped he missed all his appointments,
his dinner and all his works were delayed.
2. What were the attempts made by the author
to get his watch repaired?
Ans. The author's beautiful watch slipped from his hand
and needed repair. First he tried to set it himself by guessing. Next Day he
went to the chief jeweller to get it corrected. It worked for a few months but
slowly went thirteen days ahead of the actual time. Then he went to another
watchmaker who oiled and cleaned it but nothing good he did. The author went to
third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh watchmaker but nobody was successful in
repairing his valuable watch. He had spent two or three thousand dollars just
in repairing which was more than the original cost of the watch.
3. Why did author finally give up on his
Ans. The author was attached to the watch so he had taken
enough pain to get it repaired. He rushed to seven watchmakers but all in vain.
He realised that the money spent on its repair was more than the original cost
of the watch. He had bought the watch in two hundred dollars but the expense of
its repair was two or three thousand dollars. With this amount he could have
bought another new watch. It so happened that while he was waiting at the
seventh watchmaker he found the mechanic to be an engineer of a steam-boat
years back and he was not a good engineer. Then he remembered his uncle
William's words a good horse was a good horse until it had run away once, and
that a good watch was a good watch until the repairers got a chance to it.
4. What was Uncle William's comment on the
'tinkers' of the world?
Ans. 'Tinkers' are persons who try to repair something without having proper skill or training. Here, in this essay the author remembers his dead uncle's verdict when he finds that the seventh watchmaker used to be a steam-boat engineer and not a good engineer. His uncles used to say that a good horse was a good horse until it had run away once, and a good watch was a good watch until the repairers got a chance at it.
English Elective (CONTENTS)
PROSE | ||
1. | ||
2. | ||
3. | ||
4. | ||
5. | ||
6. | ||
1. | ||
2. | ||
3. | ||
4. | ||
5. | ||
6. | ||
7. | ||
8. | ||
ESSAY | ||
1. | ||
2. | ||
3. | ||
5. | ||
6. | ||
7. | ||
DRAMA | ||
1. | ||
NOVEL | ||
1. | ||