Class 11 English Elective POETRY 1. THE PEACOCK

Class 11 English Elective POETRY 1. THE PEACOCK

Class 11 English Elective POETRY 1. THE PEACOCK

प्रश्न बैंक - सह - उत्तर पुस्तक (Question Bank-Cum-Answer Book)

Class 11 English Elective (POETRY)

1. THE PEACOCK - Sujata Bhatt


The Peacock is a poem written by Sujata Bhatt

The poem is taken from the poet's collection of poems, Brunizem.

A beautiful image of the peacock has been portrayed in the poem.

A sharp loud call is heard by the poet from somewhere.

Then she tries to find out from where the sound is coming, she sees a flash of turquoise.

The slender neck arched descends from the pipal tree

Only a glimpse of the bird is seen.

The poet was told to sit in the veranda and read one of her favourite books.

When the poet reads her favourite book with full concentration, a blue shadow of the peacock fell over her which disturbed her.

Coming of the peacock is indicated by the blue shadow, change of the direction of the wind, humming of the bees stopped and the cat is awakened.

At this time if one looks up can see the peacock gathering his tail.

When the peacock shuts his eyes, his violet fringes with golden amber can be seen.

The tail of the bird keeps on blinking as eyes have to be opened.


1. The poem 'The Peacock' is written by-

a. Philip Larkin

b. William Shakespeare

c. Sujata Bhatt

d. John Keats

2. The Peacock is a poem taken from-

a. Brunizem

b. Monkey Shadows

c. The Stinking Horse

d. None of these

3. Which bird is referred to in the poem?

a. Parrot

b. Peacock

c. Sparrow

d. None of these

4. Which bird is the national bird of India?

a. Pigeon

b. Nightingale

c. Sparrow

d. Peacock

5. What indicates the presence of the peacock nearby?

a. Loud sharp call

b. A flash of turquoise

c. Blue shadow

d. All of these

6. Where does 'his loud Sharp call' seem to come from?

a. His loud Sharp call seems to come from Everywhere.

b. His loud Sharp call seems to come from Nowhere.

c. His loud Sharp call seems to come from the peepal tree.

d. His loud sharp call seems to come from the house.

7. Where is the bird?

a. The bird is in the house.

b. The bird is in the pipal tree

c. The bird is under the tree.

d. The bird is in the mango tree.

8. Who was told to read a book?

a. Reader

b. The poet

c. The peacock

d. No one

9. What indicates the arrival of the bird peacock?

a. The wind changes direction

b. The steady hum of bees stops

c. Both a and b

d. None of these

10. The cat will awaken and stretch at the-

a. Arrival of the Peacock

b. Departure of the peacock

c. Dancing of the peacock

d. Gathering of his tail

11. The peacock gathers his tail to-

a. Dance

b. Jump

c. Sit

d. Turn away

12. The poet describes the beauty of the bird which symbolically refers to-

a. France

b. India

c. China

d. Pakistan

13. Which of the following poems is composed by Sujata Bhatt?

a. Coming

b. Mother Tongue

c. Hawk Roosting

d. The Peacock


1. From which book, the poem, The Peacock has been taken?

Ans. The poem, The Peacock has been taken from the collection of poems, Brunizem.

2. Who is the poet of the poem, The Peacock?

Ans. Sujata Bhatt

3. Who gives a loud sharp call?

Ans. The peacock gives a loud sharp call.

4. Where does the peacock descend from?

Ans. The peacock descends from the pipal tree.

5. Who is asked to sit in the veranda?

Ans. The poet is asked to sit in the veranda.

6. What is the poet said to do while sitting in the veranda?

Ans. The poet is told to sit in the veranda and read one of her favourite books.

7. What happened when poet started to read?

Ans. When the poet started to read the book a blue shadow of the peacock fell over her.

8. Who will awaken and stretch?

Ans. The cat will awaken and stretch.

9. Why will the cat awaken and stretch?

Ans. The cat will awaken and stretch as the cat was sleeping and was disturbed with arrival of the peacock.

10. What is the central idea of the poem?

Ans. The central idea of the poem revolves around the national bird of India.


1. How was the call and from where?

Ans. The call was of the peacock and was sharp and very loud. It came from nowhere as nobody knew from where the call was.

2. What was the instruction to the poet?

Ans. The poet was instructed to sit in the veranda and read one of her favourite books with great concentration.

3. Who changes the direction and why?

Ans. The wind changes its direction with arrival of the peacock. As the peacock comes in the vicinity he opens his gracious and large feathers which makes wind change the direction.

4. Who were disturbed at the arrival of the peacock?

Ans. First, the poet herself is disturbed then the bees, they stop humming. The cat was sleeping but it is awaken by flapping of feathers and stretches its body.

5. Why did the poet say 'the tail has to blink'?

Ans. The poet said that 'the tail has to blink' because the patterns present on the feathers of the peacock resemble like eyes which do not close or blink. Therefore, the tail had to blink for the eyes to be blinked or closed.


1. Comment on the lines that make you visualise the colourful image of the peacock.

Ans. The lines that make me visualise the colourful image of the peacock are-

A flash of turquoise

Slender neck

Blue shadow

2. What are the cues that signal the presence of the peacock in the vicinity?

Ans. The loud sharp call, a flash of turquiose, glimpse of the end of the tail, a blue shadow, the change in the direction of wind, stopping of the hum of the bees, the stretch of the cat are some of the cues from the poem which signal the presence of the peacock in the vicinity.

3. How does the connection drawn between the tail and the eyes add to the descriptive detail of the poem?

Ans. The poet has described gracefulness of the peacock very beautifully. The tail of the peacock contains spectacular beauty because of its feathers. The patterns present in the feathers look like eyes which do not close or blink. When the peacock gathers its feathers gives an illusion of numerous eyes blinking at one time.

4. How does the poem capture the elusive nature of the peacock?

Ans. From the first line of the poem the poet has captured the elusive nature of the peacock. Loud sharp call can be heard but from where is not known. Only flash of the turquiose, slender neck and glimpse of the end of the tail is seen. Moreover the peacock turning away, gathering his feathers dark glowing can be seen.

5. The peacock is a colourful bird. How does the poem capture the various colours that its plumage displays?

Ans. The peacock is a colourful bird. And the poet has beautifully portrayed the various colours of its plumage by the expressions like- turquoise (bluish- green colour), blue shadow, dark glowing eyes, violet fringed with golden amber.

English Elective (CONTENTS)







The Lament

Anton Chekhov


A Pair Of Mustachios

Mulk Raj Anand


The Rocking-horse Winner

D.H. Lawrence


The Adventure of the Three Garridebs

Arthur Conan Doyle


Pappachi's Moth

Arundhati Roy


The Third And Final Continent

Jhumpa Lahiri



The Peacock

Sujata Bhatt


Let Me Not To The Marriage Of True Minds

William Shakespeare



Philip Larkin


Telephone Conversation

Wole Soyinka


The World is too Much With Us

William Wordsworth


Mother Tongue

Padma Sachdev


Hawk Roosting

Ted Hughes


Ode to a Nightingale

John Keats



My Watch

Mark Twain


My Three Passions

Bertrand Russell


Patterns Of Creativity

S. Chandrasekhar


Tribal Verse



What is a Good Book?

John Ruskin


The Story




Kumudini Lakhia



Arms And The Man




The Old Man And The Sea

Ernest Hemingway

Solved Paper of JAC Annual Examination - 2023

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