Class 11 English Elective ESSAY 6. THE STORY

Class 11 English Elective ESSAY 6. THE STORY

 Class 11 English Elective ESSAY 6. THE STORY

प्रश्न बैंक - सह - उत्तर पुस्तक (Question Bank-Cum-Answer Book)

Class 11 English Elective (ESSAY)

6. THE STORY - E.M.Forster


"The Story' is an essay written by E.M.Forster

Forster is a great Novelist, Essayist, Critic and Short story writer.

The Story is an excerpt of his famous work Aspects of the Novel'.

Forster in this essay says that the meaning of a novel is different to every individual and depends upon his perspective. He emphasizes on the importance of story in a novel.

The first reader is someone who knows about a novel. He is a good tempered person.He is busy but knows about the content of the novel.

The second reader is a golfer. He is aggressive in nature. He doesn't read novels very deeply and therefore treat them as casual. For them reading is similar to passing time.

The third type of reader is someone who loves the concept of a novel. He is an author who demands melody and perception of truth apart from a story in a novel.

Forster links the art of storytelling to primitive ages and illustrates the gripping power a story has.

He compares the story to a 'backbone' and a 'tapeworm'.

He cites the example of Schererazade who marries a cruel king and how she abolishes an evil practice through her art of storytelling.

He refers to the Qua Story and says that suspense is an important element by which the audience is bounded to the novel.

He points out the importance of time and values in a novel. The novel must stick to time and convey a moral lesson.

Forster comments that the basis of a novel is a story and a story is a narrative of events in a time sequence.


1. Who is the writer of the essay 'The Story'?

a. J.B.Priestley

b. Ruskin Bond

c. E.M.Forster

d. Philip Larkin

2. When was E.M.Forster born?

a. 1879

b. 1875

c. 1864

d. 1883

3. 'The Story' is an excerpt taken from-

a. Three essays

b. Aspects of the Novel

c. Arabian Nights

d. A Room of one's own own

4. What is 'Arabian Nights'?

a. Collection of essay

b. A novel

c. Collection of stories

d. Poem

5. Who is Scheherazade?

a. Daughter of king

b. A beggar

c. A Sailor

d. Daughter of Vizier

6. In the story, The 1001 'Arabian Nights' what was Scheherazade's wish?

a. To marry a peculiar king

b. To run away from the castle

c. To kill the king

d. None of the above

7. What is the basic aspect of a novel ?

a. Its character

b. Its story-telling aspect

c. Its writing

d. All of the above

8. What did the first person answer to the question "what does the novel do"?

a. A novel is a novel

b. A novel tells a story

c. A novel does nothing

d. Both A & B

9. What aspects of the novel does the third man refer to other than the story?

a. Melody

b. Perception of truth

c. Facts

d. All of the above

10. According to the author, a story runs like a ---

a. Heart

b. Brain

c. Back bone

d. Vein

11. The primitive audience, after being tired only kept awake by----

a. Enjoyment

b. Suspense

c. Fear of wild animals

d. Entertainment

12. At what time did Scheherazade stop in the middle of the story?

a. At Night

b. In the Evening

c. At sunrise

d. At sunset

13. According to the author, which one of the following factors do not make an interesting novel?

a. Melody

b. Story

c. Low atavistic form

d. Perception of truth

14. Which weapon did Scheherazade use to avoid her fate?

a. Patience

b. Suspense

c. Secrecy

d Love

15. What has been termed as 'Father' in the essay 'The Story'?

a. World

b. Nature

c. God

d. Time

16. In the essay, what do we owe allegiance to?

a. The life by values

b. The life by money

c. The life in time

d. Both a and c

17. The primitive man entertained themselves with-

a. Listening storie

b. Hunting

c. Music

d. Talking

18. A ….. is a narrative of events arranged in their time sequence.

a. Poetry

b. Essay

c. Novel

d. Story

19. According to the author our daily life constitutes of-

a. Money and Time

b. Space and Time

c. Time and Value

d. Power and Money

20. Forster in this excerpt says that some of the words should not be avoided while converting lectures into essays.which words are they?

a. I, you,one

b. We,curiously enough, so to speak

c. Only imagine, of course

d. All of the above


1. Who is the author of the essay 'The Story'?

Ans. The author of the essay 'The Story' is E.M.Forster.

2. What question did the author ask to three men

Ans. The author asked "what is a novel?".

3. How did the first man reply to his question of what is novel?

Ans. The first man replied very calmly that a novel tells a story.

4. In what tone did the second man reply to his question of what is a novel?

Ans. The second man was a bad-tempered person and he replied in an aggressive way that the novel tells a story.

5. What is '1001 'Arabian Nights'?

Ans. The '1001 Arabian Nights' is a collection of stories loosely linked together.

6. Who is the narrator of '1001 Arabian Nights'?

Ans. A young girl named Scheherazade is the narrator of 1001 Arabian Nights'.

7. Whom did the author respect & admire?

Ans. The author respected and admired the first speaker.

8. Whom did the author detest

Ans. The author detested the second man.

9. How should storytelling be done?

Ans. The storytelling should be done in a variety of tones

10. What is the highest factor common to all novels?

Ans. Story is the highest factor common to all novels.

11. How old is the art of storytelling?

And. The art of story-telling dates back to the age of Primitive Man.

12. According to the author what is daily life composed of?

Ans. Daily life is composed of time and value.


1. According to the author, what is the quality of the first type of man?

Ans. According to the author the first type of man is of good temperament and is vague. He is a common man driving a motor bus and his response is casual. He does not have much interest in literature.

2. What are the finer growths that a story supports in a novel?

Ans. The finer growths that a story supports in a novel are narrative techniques, plot and thematic presentation. The story is the backbone of any novel. Without it, the other technicalities and structures are meaningless.

3. How does Forster bring out the importance of a good story in terms of the primitive era?

Ans. In the essay "The Story' Forster telis us that human beings have been interested in stories from the primitive era. After finishing their daily chores they used to just sit and listen to the stories. The suspense of the story kept them awake.

4. Who was Scheherazade and whom did she marry?

Ans. Scheherazade was a young girl who was the daughter of the vizier or minister. She was married to a peculiar king who had a monstrous habit of marrying a girl every day and after the wedding night, the wife was beheaded.

5. What is the value of time sequence in the narration of a story?

Ans. In the essay Forster depicts the importance of time in the narration of a story. He says that in daily life we do our activities in a time sequence and can think of any situations in past and present but in a novel the author has to stick to time sequence or to the order of occurrence of action, otherwise the story would be absurd and it would not be a good novel.


1. Our daily life reflects a double allegiance to 'the life in time' and 'the life by values'. Discuss.

Ans. We owe a double allegiance to the life in time and the life by values. The life in time means the correct sequence in which things happen in our daily life or the routine activities we do. However, we can imagine the past and future activities without any order and in any time frame. The life of values mean that we can select the valuable events or experiences from our life at any point of time. It is not measured by time but by intensity. Forster in this essay has explained this by citing an example of a sentence "I only saw her for five minutes but it was worth it". In this line both the life in time and the life by values has been shown.

2. How was Scheherazade able to avoid her fate?

Ans. Scheherzade was the daughter of a vizier to an eccentric King. The King had a horrifying habit of marrying a girl on a daily basis and after the wedding night, he beheaded his wife. Scheherazade deliberately married the King and on the wedding night she narrated a story to him but she would not complete it. At the crack of dawn she would leave the story at some interesting point and fall asleep. The King would be curious to know the rest of the story and therefore he could not execute her. This became an everyday phenomena and the King had to leave his evil practice. Through her art of story-telling, Schererazade was able to avoid her fate.

3. What do you understand of the three voices in response to the question 'What does a novel do'?

Ans. The three voices in the novel represent three different types of novel readers. The first kind of novel reader is a good tempered person who is engaged in some daily activity like driving a motor- bus. He is aware of the merits of literature but has no time to analyze it. He knows that the purpose of a novel is to tell a story. The second type of novel reader is an aggressive man who treats novel very casually. For him, novel means a story through which he can pass his time. The third kind of novel readers are authors like him to whom story is the soul of a novel. In all the three voices, story of the novel occupies an important place. It is the fundamental aspect without which a novel cannot exist.

English Elective (CONTENTS)







The Lament

Anton Chekhov


A Pair Of Mustachios

Mulk Raj Anand


The Rocking-horse Winner

D.H. Lawrence


The Adventure of the Three Garridebs

Arthur Conan Doyle


Pappachi's Moth

Arundhati Roy


The Third And Final Continent

Jhumpa Lahiri



The Peacock

Sujata Bhatt


Let Me Not To The Marriage Of True Minds

William Shakespeare



Philip Larkin


Telephone Conversation

Wole Soyinka


The World is too Much With Us

William Wordsworth


Mother Tongue

Padma Sachdev


Hawk Roosting

Ted Hughes


Ode to a Nightingale

John Keats



My Watch

Mark Twain


My Three Passions

Bertrand Russell


Patterns Of Creativity

S. Chandrasekhar


Tribal Verse



What is a Good Book?

John Ruskin


The Story




Kumudini Lakhia



Arms And The Man




The Old Man And The Sea

Ernest Hemingway

Solved Paper of JAC Annual Examination - 2023

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