Class 11 English Elective POETRY 5. THE WORLD IS TOO MUCH WITH US

Class 11 English Elective POETRY 5. THE WORLD IS TOO MUCH WITH US

 Class 11 English Elective POETRY 5. THE WORLD IS TOO MUCH WITH US

प्रश्न बैंक - सह - उत्तर पुस्तक (Question Bank-Cum-Answer Book)

Class 11 English Elective (POETRY)

5. THE WORLD IS TOO MUCH WITH US - William Wordsworth


'The World is Too Much With Us' is a Romantic poem written by William Wordsworth.

Romanticism deals with nature and rustic life.

The poem is in the form of a Sonnet.

Sonnet is a fourteen-line poem.

Wordsworth's love and emotional relation with nature is depicted in the poem.

In this poem Wordsworth has criticized human beings for engrossing in worldly pleasures.

He speaks about the beauty of nature and says that the sea embraces the moon and the wind howls all over us. Nature is abundant with resplendent beauty which is worth seeing and appreciable but we are like sleeping flowers ignoring the beauty of nature.

He blames the rapid modernization and consumerism for this change in behaviour.

Man has completely forgotten mother nature.

He asserts that he would rather be an irreligious person, a Pagan, than to be out of touch with nature.


1. Who wrote 'The World is Too Much With Us'?

a. Thomas Hardy

b. Steve Smith

c. William Wordsworth

d. William Blake

2. What type of poem is 'The World is Too Much With Us'?

a. Sonnet

b. Ballad

c. Ode

d. None of these

3. How many lines are there in the poem 'The World is Too Much With Us'?

a. 10

b. 14

c. 20

d. 28

4. Who wishes to remain as Pagan in the poem

'The World is Too Much With Us'?

a. The poet himself

b. People

c. Readers

d. None of these

5. When does the poem 'The World is Too Much With Us' take place?

a. During World War 1

b. During World War 2

c. During the first Industrial Revolutio

d. During the War of Waterloo

6. "I,standing on this pleasant lea," 'l' stands for?

a. The Reader

b. The poet

c. The Sun

d. The sea

7. What is described as bearing "her bosom to the moon" in the poem, The World is too Much With Us'?

a. The Wind

b. The Sun

c. The Mountains

d. The Sea

8. What is the theme of the poem 'The World is Too Much with Us'?

a. Giving up nature for materialistic things

b. Glorifying nature

c. Human Being lazy

d. Human being more indifferent to society

9. Who are the Gods from Greek mythology referred in the poem 'The World is Too Much with Us'?

a. Proteus and Triton

b. Hermes and Aphrodite

c. Zens and Apollo

d. Poseidon and Hades

10. What does the poet compare the wind to?

a. Screaming roars

b. Rain

c. Sleeping flowers

d. Birds singing

11. What does the sea give to the moon?

a. Her light

b. Her place

c. Her body

d. Her bosom

12. According to the poet, we are out of

a. Time

b. Tune

c. Money

d. Food

13. What is the quality of Proteus, Greek Sea God?

a. He can blow his conch to calm them

b. He can assume different shapes

c. He can make rainfall

d. He can fly in the sky

14. What does the speaker mean by "a creed outworn"?

a. An ancient religious belief

b. A modern and progressive ideology

c. A traditional set of moral principles

d. A dogmatic and outdated doctrine

15. What does the speaker mean by "a sordid boon"?

a A valuable gift

b. A tarnished treasure

c. A selfish advantage

d. A regretful blessing


1. What is the central idea of the poem?

Ans. The central idea of the poem is to live in harmony with nature and appreciate it.

2. Who bares her bosom to the moon?

Ans. The sea bares her bosom to the moon.

3. Who is a Pagan?

Ans. A Pagan is a person who does not hold any worldly religious beliefs.

4. What is the meaning of the word 'forlorn'?

Ans. 'Forlorn' means sad and lonely.

5. Whom does the poet want to see rising from the sea?

Ans. The poet wants to see Proteus rising from the sea.

6. Who is Triton?

Ans. Triton is a sea-deity in Greek mythology having the body of man above the waist and that of a dolphin below the waist.

7. What does the poet want Triton to do?

Ans. The poet wants Triton to blow his wreathed horn.

8. According to the poet, what is man's attitude to nature?

Ans. Man's attitude to nature is of indifference.

9. What does the poet mean by stating 'The World is Too much with us'?

Ans. The poet means that man has become too much attached to the material world.

10. What does the poet glimpse and what is its effect on him?

Ans. The poet has glimpses of the Gods of Nature, Proteus and Triton and it makes him happy.


1. What is the main idea of the poem 'The World is Too Much with Us'?

Ans. 'The World is Too Much with Us' is a sonnet written by William Wordsworth. It focusses on the idea that man has lost harmony with nature. The relationship between Man and Nature once flourished but due to modernization and consumerism, this harmony has been disturbed.

2. Why does the poet say that "we lay waste our power"?

Ans. God has gifted human beings with utmost power and intelligence but they have wasted it in worldly pleasures and have ignored nature. The poet believes that we have given our hearts away in exchange of money and material wealth.

3. Why does the poet say that "we are out of tune"?

Ans. William Wordsworth has commented on the discord between man and nature. He is no longer able to appreciate the beauty of nature. The poet suffers when he sees that mechanical advancement of this world has made humanity out of tune, out of love for nature.

4. Why does Wordsworth want to be a Pagan?

Ans. Wordsworth bemoans the indifferent attitude of humanity towards nature. He therefore wishes to be a pagan rather than being a part of this civilized society. Wordsworth is deeply disturbed by the rising materialism among the people.

5. What does the phrase "late and soon" mean?

Ans. The phrase "late and soon" means that materialism has been a problem in the past and will continue to be a problem in the future if we do not work in harmony with nature. He believes that money and worldly possessions are far more important to people than it should be.


1. How has Wordsworth highlighted the beauty of nature in the poem 'The World is Too Much With Us'?

Ans. In the poem 'The World is Too Much With Us', Wordsworth has used the sea the wind and flowers to depict the beauty of nature. The sea waves rise high to embrace the beauty of moon which suggests an intimacy between the moon and the sea.. The wind is calm and cool at night but during the day it howls all over us every moment. Man has been compared to sleeping flowers who is ignoring the beautiful sight of nature. By highlighting the beauty of nature, he wants the people to understand what they are missing out by being caught by worldly materialism.

2. What message has William Wordsworth tried to convey in the poem 'The World is Too Much With Us'?

Ans. William Wordsworth in the poem 'The World is Too Much With Us' has commented on the withering relation between man and nature. This relation was in a very harmonious state once but due to advancing modernization and consumerism, it has been deteriorating. Wordsworth has blamed the first Industrial Revolution for the fast growing consumerism in the people. He was a romantic poet who stressed on the importance of emotion and connection with nature. He deplores that human beings are engrossed in worldly pleasures and have forgotten to appreciate and celebrate the beauty of nature.

3. Wodsworth blames the rapid industrialization for the discord between Man and Nature. Discuss.

Ans. 'The World is Too Much With Us' was published in 1807. It was written by Wordsworth during the First Industrial Revolution when technological and mechanical advancement started. Wordsworth criticizes the man's too much inclination to money. property and power. He laments the fact that there is an overburden of all of these aspects. That is why he says "too much with us" which means that we care about these earthly things far too much. When the people were on the industrial pace, the poet could see that individuals were sacrificing their passions and energies. The love for money and luxury superseded the love for nature. The symphony of admiration and respect between man and nature has worsen due to the fast growing consumerism.

English Elective (CONTENTS)







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The Rocking-horse Winner

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The Adventure of the Three Garridebs

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The Third And Final Continent

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The Peacock

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Let Me Not To The Marriage Of True Minds

William Shakespeare



Philip Larkin


Telephone Conversation

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The World is too Much With Us

William Wordsworth


Mother Tongue

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Hawk Roosting

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Ode to a Nightingale

John Keats



My Watch

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My Three Passions

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What is a Good Book?

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The Story




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Arms And The Man




The Old Man And The Sea

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