Class 11 English Elective POETRY 6. MOTHER TONGUE

Class 11 English Elective POETRY 6. MOTHER TONGUE

 Class 11 English Elective POETRY 6. MOTHER TONGUE

प्रश्न बैंक - सह - उत्तर पुस्तक (Question Bank-Cum-Answer Book)

Class 11 English Elective (POETRY)

6. MOTHER TONGUE - Padma Sachdev


Mother Tongue is written by Padma Sachdev.

She is the recipient of Sahitya Academy Awards.

Padma Sachdev's mother tongue is Dogri which is spoken in Jammu region of Jammu and Kashmir..

In this poem, she has shown her discontentment on the negligence of Dogri language in its native script.

The poet is serving her mother tongue by writing poetry in Dogri.

The poet calls herself as the servant of her mother tongue.

She requests the stem to provide a quill so that she can glorify her mother tongue.

The poet has used personification for her mother tongue.

Personification is a figure of speech which is used to attribute human qualities to inanimate objects.

The poet explains to the stem through conversation that the entire world likes to enjoy,celebrate and realize the beauty of her mother tongue.

Finally after hearing her arguments the stem agrees to give a quill to her so that the poet can carry forward her work of serving her mother tongue.


1. Who is the poet of the poem 'Mother Tongue'?

a. Sarojini Naidu

b. Kamla Das

c. Padma Sachdev

d. Annie Besant

2. What is the mother tongue of Padma Sachdeva?.

a. Bangla

b. Tamil

c. Oriya

d. Dogri

3. The poem 'Mother Tongue' is originally written in which language?

a. Dogri

b. Hindi

c. English

d. Marathi

4. Dogri is spoken in which part of India?

a. Punjab

b. Kerala

c. Jharkhand

d. Jammu and Kashmir

5. Padma Sachdeva belongs to which part of India?

a. Tamil Nadu

b. Haryana

c. Delhi

d. Jammu and Kashmir

6. Padma Sachdeva has been awarded with which of the following awards?

a. Nobel Prize

b. Sahitya Academy Awards

c. Pulitzer Prize

d. Booker prize

7. Padma Sachdeva writes in which language?

a. Tamil

b. Punjabi

c. Hindi

d. Urdu

8. Which script is used to write Dogri in present days?

a. Devnagri

b. Roman

c. Persian

d. Mixture of Devnagri and Persian

9. Who is 'she'in the poem 'Mother Tongue'?

a. Quill

b. Stem

c. Dogri

d. Poet

10. Dogri is listed in which schedule of the constitution?

a. Schedule 1

b. Schedule 8

c. Schedule 5

d. Schedule 9

11. What is the central element in the poem?

a. Quill

b. Flower

c. Bird

d. Tree

12. Who is 'l'in the first line of the poem, Mother Tongue?

a. Stem

b. The poet

c. Quill

d. Pen

13. Mother Tongue is a conversation between?

a. The poet and a pen

b. The poet and a quill

c. The poet and a stem

d. The poet and a book

14. What did the poet ask from the stem?

a. Leaf

b. Flower

c. Stem

d. Quill

15. What does the stem ask the poet, what she was?

a. Lawyer

b. Doctor

c. Accountant

d. Astrologer

16. In the poem, whom does the poet work for?

a. King

b. Shahni

c. Minister

d. Manager

17. Who is irritated/annoyed in the poem?

a. Shahni

b. Reader

c. Pen

d. Stem

18. How does the poet address her mother tongue?

a. Sister

b. Lady

c. Shahni

d. Friend

19. Which figure of speech is used in the poem?

a. Personification

b. Simile

c. Metaphor

d. Alliteration

20. Who has been personified in the poem?

a. Poet

b. Mother tongue

c. King

d. Mother

21. Who says, "I too am her servant".

a. Poet

b. Mother tongue

c. Shah

d. Reed

22. Who is Shahni in the poem?

a. Dogri

b. Stem

c. Poet

d. Reed


1. Who is the poet of 'Mother Tongue'?

Ans. Padma Sachdev is the poet of 'Mother Tongue".

2. Where is Dogri spoken ?

Ans. Dogri is spoken in Jammu area of Jammu and Kashmir.

3. In present day, Dogri is written in which script?

Ans. Dogri is written in Persian and Devnagri script in present day.

4. What is the mother tongue of Padma Sachdev?

Ans. Dogri is the mother tongue of Padma Sachdev.

5. What did the poet ask the reed for?

Ans. The poet requested a quill from the reed.

6. What does the quill represent?

Ans. The new script is represented by the quill.

7. Who has been referred as 'Shahni' in the poem?

Ans. The poet's mother tongue, Dogri, has been referred as 'Shahni' in the poem.

8. How did the reed fulfill the poet's request?

Ans. To fulfill the poet's request, the reed chopped off its hand and gave it to her.

9. Who is called 'servant' in the poem?

Ans. The poet calls herself, the servant of her mother tongue, Dogri.

10. What is the main element in the poem?

Ans. The quill is the main element in the poem.


1. What does the quill symbolize ?

Ans. The quill symbolizes the Sharade script which is the original script of Kashmir. Here, the poet wants to make a point for Dogri which was originally written in the Sharade script. But due to unknown reasons it is now written in the Devnagari script.

2. What is main idea of Mother Tongue ?

Ans. The main idea of Mother Tongue is that the poet is serving her language as she writes poetry in the Dogri language. She wants her mother language. to be known and appreciated by the whole world.

3. What does the poet want from the stem ?

Ans. The poet asks for a quill from the stem so that she can write poetry in her mother language, Dogri. The poet held a very high esteem for her language so she wants to glorify her language.

4. Why is the stem irritated to give her the quill ?

Ans. The stem is irritated to give her the quill because she has already given the poet, one, recently. The stem asks the poet why she needs it so frequently.

5. What does the word Shahni represent?

Ans. The word Shahni means 'a powerful, rich and influential lady. Padma Sachdeva in her poem Mother Tongue has represented her mother tongue as Shahni which is rich in her literature.

6. "I too am her servant", in the poem who says this and why?

Ans. In the poem, reed, too considers herself as the servant of mother tongue. It means that not only those who are devoted to the language serve her but also those who serve as a means to write.


1. Explain the significance of quill in the poem ?

Ans. The quill is symbolic of a new script. It represents the conversion of old script into new. Dogri language was originally written in the Sharade script which is regarded to have its root in the Brahmi script. Later Devanagari script took the place of Sharade script. The new quill represents the Devnagri script which has replaced the Sharade script of Dogri language. The quill serves as a medium through which the poet can glorify her mother tongue. That is why in the end, she says that "I too am her servant". The poet is in search of a new quill with which she could serve her mother language in the best possible way.

2. There is a sense of urgency in the poet's demand? Why is it so?

Ans. The poet demands for a quill from the stem. She needs it quickly because she feels that her Shahni must be looking for her. Her mother tongue is her Shahni. The poet is devoted to her mother tongue and she does not want to waste time in her service. She calls herself as the servant of her language. She wants to make her mother tongue appreciated by the whole world and in doing this she doesn't want any delay.

3. How has the poet brought out her emotional attachment to her mother tongue?

Ans. The poem is a kind of tribute by the poet to the Dogri language.She depicts a strong emotional attachment to her mother tongue Dogri. The poet has a deep reverence for her language as she considers herself as its servant. She wants her mother tongue to be celebrated, appreciated and known to the whole world. This attachment reached a height when the stem also wanted that the poet to take her language to new heights.

4. How has the poet employed personification in the poem ?

Ans. Personification is a figure of speech that attributes human qualities to inanimate objects. In the poem, the poet has used it very effectively. Throughout the poem it is seen that the poet is in constant conversation with the stem. It has the qualities of questioning, analyzing and even reaches to certain decisions. Mother tongue Dogri is also personified as Shahni, which implies a rich and powerful lady. The poet has very dramatically presented the feeling of loyalty towards her native language.

English Elective (CONTENTS)







The Lament

Anton Chekhov


A Pair Of Mustachios

Mulk Raj Anand


The Rocking-horse Winner

D.H. Lawrence


The Adventure of the Three Garridebs

Arthur Conan Doyle


Pappachi's Moth

Arundhati Roy


The Third And Final Continent

Jhumpa Lahiri



The Peacock

Sujata Bhatt


Let Me Not To The Marriage Of True Minds

William Shakespeare



Philip Larkin


Telephone Conversation

Wole Soyinka


The World is too Much With Us

William Wordsworth


Mother Tongue

Padma Sachdev


Hawk Roosting

Ted Hughes


Ode to a Nightingale

John Keats



My Watch

Mark Twain


My Three Passions

Bertrand Russell


Patterns Of Creativity

S. Chandrasekhar


Tribal Verse



What is a Good Book?

John Ruskin


The Story




Kumudini Lakhia



Arms And The Man




The Old Man And The Sea

Ernest Hemingway

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